Fluency Happy Counting 9-25 (2min) Say Ten Counting 5-25 (4min) Ten Plus Number Sentence (4min)
Your turn with a partner. Partner A for 30 seconds. Partner B for 30 seconds.
What number comes next? The say ten way?
Let’s share number sentences that break apart two-digit numbers into tens and ones. If I say 2 tens 8 you say 20+8=28 Model with rekenrek and hide zero cards 5 tens =53
1 ten 5
1 ten 9
1 ten 3
2 tens 3
3 tens 3
8 tens 3
2 tens 7
3 tens 3
5 tens 5
8 tens 3
Sprint Time
Partner Target Practice Game sheet, white board, 1 numeral die 1. Write the target number 10 in the circle at the top right of the target practice template. 2. Partner A rolls the die and writes the number rolled in one part of the first number bond. 3. Partner B makes a bull’s eye by writing the missing part that is needed to make ten. (Use fingers as models. Show addend on fingers and look at tucked fingers to determine partner to make ten)
I can make the next ten. I’ll say a number and you tell me what it needs to make the next ten. If I say 8 You say 2 because 8+2=10
With your partner, take turns saying pairs to make… 10,20,30,40,50,60,70,80,90,100
Student Debrief How does knowing 10+3 help us with 50+3? How does knowing 8 needs 2 to make 10 help us know how to get from 28 to the next ten? How are hide zero cards and the rekenrek similar? How are they different? What learning today did you remember from last year? Can you figure out the math goal of today’s lesson? What name would you give this lesson? Exit ticket time