3 Social Classes In America…in our area
Lower Class Opportunity Lower Class equals less… Money ($0-30K) Education (High School dropout- HS diploma) Healthcare Job Opportunities Possessions Smaller Homes/ Apartments Opportunity
Middle Class College degrees Money ($50K-100K) More Job Opportunities (blue collar and white collar) Medium Sized Homes/ Apartments Moderate Possessions Value Education and Hard Work
Upper Class The Most Opportunity College degrees plus (Master’s, Doctorates) Lots of Job Opportunities Professional Careers and Big Business Owners Big Homes/ Apartments…in Very Desirable Areas Nice Possessions Value Education and Hard Work Lots of Political Influence The Most Opportunity
Other Classes… Working Class (about $40-50K) Upper Middle (about $120K- 180K) Upper Upper…the Wealthy (equals big family money) -tens of millions of dollars
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