January 2016
Tuesday, January 5 th, 2016 Welcome back! Review expectations for 2016 Drama Literary Pre-Assessment Ticket-out-the-door: What is one of your New Year’s Resolutions for school and/or this class?
Wednesday, January 6 th, 2016 Journal: In your composition notebook, write a paragraph (6-8 sentences) about “What do you already know about Shakespeare?” If you need to jot down notes before you write, do so and complete the brief paragraph. Use the RACE strategy if necessary. Research Activity Ticket-out-the-door: What did you learn or enjoy? What do you still need help with, or what are you struggling with and not understand?
Thursday, January 7 th, 2016 Journal: In your composition notebook, write a paragraph (6-8 sentences) about “Describe one thing that interested you from your research on Shakespeare.” If you need to jot down notes before you write, do so and complete the brief paragraph. Use the RACE strategy if necessary. Research Activity in Partners/Individual Ticket-out-the-door: What did you learn or enjoy? What do you still need help with, or what are you struggling with and not understand?
Friday, January 8 th, 2016 Journal: In your composition notebook, write a paragraph (6-8 sentences) about “How might the research gathered on Shakespeare assist us in better comprehending as we read Romeo and Juliet? If you need to jot down notes before you write, do so and complete the brief paragraph. Use the RACE strategy if necessary. Research Activity in Partners/Individual Ticket-out-the-door: What did you learn or enjoy? What do you still need help with, or what are you struggling with and not understand?
Monday, January 11th, 2016 sick
Tuesday, January 12 th, 2016 Journal: In your composition notebook, write a paragraph (6-8 sentences) about “Since Romeo and Juliet is a Shakespearean tragedy, what are three things you think of when you hear the word tragedy? Why do you think of these things?” Note: You do not have to write about something extremely personal. If you need to jot down notes before you write, do so and complete the brief paragraph. Use the RACE strategy if necessary. Go over Guided notes-drama terms Read pages Ticket-out-the-door: What did you learn or enjoy? What do you still need help with, or what are you struggling with and not understand?
Wednesday, January 13 th, 2016 Article Summaries
Thursday, January 14 th, 2016 Article summaries
Friday, January 15 th, 2016 Warm-up: Grammar Practice sheet Anticipation Guide-fill out Discussion Closing: Synthesis paragraph over discussion
Tuesday, January 19 th, 2016 Journal: In your composition notebook, write a paragraph (6-8 sentences) about “Have you ever found yourself between two friends who are angry at each other? What happened?” Shakespeare in Love video clips Introducing characters and reading the Prologue to Romeo and Juliet. Guided Reading Questions for the Prologue Ticket-out-the-door: What did you learn or enjoy? What do you still need help with, or what are you struggling with and not understand?
Wednesday, January 20 th, 2016 Journal: In your composition notebook, write a paragraph (6-8 sentences) about “How hard is it to keep a secret? Are there circumstances when you think you should break a promise about keeping a secret?” Preview Act 1 Scene 1 READ silently Act 1 Scene 1 and take notes Discuss and complete guided reading questions Ticket-out-the-door: What did you learn or enjoy? What do you still need help with, or what are you struggling with and not understand? REMINDER: TEST next TUESDAY, January 26 th over the Drama Literary Terms (see guided notes from last week)
Thursday, January 21 st, 2016
Friday, January 22 nd, 2016 Warm-up: Notes on Using I and Me Google Classroom and Google Forms Using I and Me Worksheet Ticket-out-the-door: What did you learn or enjoy? What do you still need help with, or what are you struggling with and not understand? REMINDER: TEST next TUESDAY, January 26 th over the Drama Literary Terms (see guided notes from last week)
Monday, January 25 th, 2016 Journal: In your composition notebook, write a paragraph (6-8 sentences) about “Describe the key events and how characters encountered have acted so far in Act 1 Scene 1.” Review/Preview rest of Act 1, Scene 1 Act out Scene and discuss Guided Reading Questions Preview Act 1 Scene 2 Ticket-out-the-door: What did you learn or enjoy? What do you still need help with, or what are you struggling with and not understand? REMINDER: Drama Literary Terms test TOMORROW!! See guided notes to study!
Tuesday, January 26 th, 2016 Warm-up: prepare for Student Health Survey Student Health Survey Study for Lit Terms Test Drama Literary Terms Test Preview Act 1 Scene 2 and take notes
Wednesday, January 27 th, 2016 15 minutes study of lit terms Lit Terms Test Preview Act 1, Scene 2
Thursday, January 28 th, 2016 Login to Chromebooks Go to Google Classroom Complete Journal assignment-make sure to read rubric Turn to pg.1001 and have out Act 1 Scene 2 Note-taking sheet Act-out and discuss Progress Reports and sign sheet
Friday, January 29 th, 2016 Journal: In your composition notebook, write a paragraph (6-8 sentences) about “Is suicide ever a justified option? Is it okay to commit suicide because of love for another person? Explain your answer.” NOTE: THIS IS YOUR PERSONAL OPINION AND YOUR JOURNAL. THIS IS A DIFFICULT TOPIC. THIS IS IN CONTEXT TO THE STORY Romeo and Juliet and both of the characters ultimately killing themselves out of love for the other. Act 1 Scene 2 Review Act 1 Scene 3 Listen, Read, Discuss Answer Guided Reading Questions