“Sophomores, What’s Next?” Oneonta High School
Diploma Options
Diploma Types Alabama State Diploma Alabama State Diploma with Oneonta City Academic Endorsement 1 Foreign Language Credit Pre-Calculus One AP Course Credit Alabama State Diploma with Oneonta City Advanced Academic Endorsement 2 Foreign Language Credits (same language) Additional Math above Pre-Calculus Three AP Course Credits (any combination)
Freshman, Sophomores, and Juniors OCS Diploma Options Beginning with 2017 Graduation Cohort UNITS OF CREDIT Alabama State Diploma Alabama State Diploma with Oneonta City Academic Endorsement Alabama State Diploma with Oneonta City Advanced Academic Endorsement English 444 Math 444 Science 444 Social Studies 444 Physical Education 111 Health.5 Career Preparedness 111 CTE and/or Foreign Lang and/or Art 333 Electives 2.5 Requirements -1 Foreign Language -Complete PreCalculus -One (1) AP Course -2 Foreign Languages (same language) -Additional math above PreCalculus -Three (3) AP Courses Total Credits 24
Math Pathways Path8 th Grade9 th Grade10 th Grade11 th Grade12 th Grade A1Algebra AAlgebra BGeometryAlgebra with Finance A2Algebra AAlgebra BGeometryAlgebra II w/Trig A3Algebra 1PreAP GeometryAlgebra II with TrigPreCalculus A4Algebra IPreAP Geometry Algebra II w/TrigPreCalculusAP Calculus OHS Student Handbook statement : “Students who complete Algebra I in the eighth grade will be required to take four (4) additional math credits at Oneonta High School.”
Class Ranking The initial ranking begins after the first semester of the junior year. At the beginning of the first semester of the senior year after all summer grades are entered, the counselor will compute the standard GPA and rank them. Standard GPA will be computed again after the first semester to adjust class rank. Grades for teacher aide and library aide will not be included in the grades that are averaged. Valedictorian, Salutatorian, and Historian will be determined after the third quarter. Final rank for transcript purposes will be computed at the end of the second semester of the senior year.
Programs Offered at OHS
Dual Enrollment OHS partners with Snead State Community College and Wallace State Community College. This program is available to 10 th -12 th grade (ALSDE requirement) students who have received approval from their high school and meet requirements to receive both college credit and high school credit. All tuition, books, and fees are the responsibility of the parent/guardian. Dual Enrollment packets are available in the high school counselor’s office on a quarterly basis for completion and returned to the high school counselor by the deadline listed on the packet. Please check website for availability and deadline under Counselor’s Corner Calendar. *MTH125 and MTH126 – Principal approval High School CoursesCollege CourseTimeline 11 th Grade US HistoryHIS201Summer after completing 10 th Gr US HistoryDuring junior year PreCalculusMTH112Summer after completing Algebra II with TrigDuring school year after completing Algebra II with Trig 11 th Grade EnglishENG101Summer after completing 10 th Gr EnglishDuring junior year 12 th Grade EnglishENG102Summer after completing 11 th Gr EnglishDuring senior year
PLATO – eLearning Credit Recovery PLATO is an e-Learning program available in a lab setting during the second semester and summer school for Oneonta High School students to re-take coursework. The goal is to give high school students the opportunity to graduate in a timely manner. The Credit Recovery program has policies and procedures that allow students who have failed core courses (courses required for graduation) an opportunity to make- up non-mastered standards without repeating the entire course.
Summer School Summer School is available to students who fail to earn credit for core subjects during the school year. Any grade below 60 is considered a failing grade and credit will not be awarded for the course. PLATO Distance Learning courses are provided for recovering courses during summer school know as credit recovery. Please note that participation in credit recovery will not meet NCAA requirements for coursework.
High School Credit Classes High school credited courses will appear on the student’s High School Transcript. A high school transcript will impact the rest of the student’s educational career. GPA (Grade Point Average) Class rank Colleges first snapshot of you
ACT Profile ACT Profile is a free college and career planning tool available to our students. Students, counselors, and parents can use this tool to gain personalized insights that help students navigate key transition points in their lives. These insights can help students make smarter decisions about their next post-secondary steps. To learn more and set up a personal account visit:
KUDER The Alabama Career Planning System, powered by Kuder Navigator, is a comprehensive, Internet-based system that helps students learn about themselves, build their Four-Year education plans, and explore and prepare for various options after high school. The ACPS provides resources for parents and educators to support career guidance, track progress, and ease data-driven decision making. Beginning in 6 th grade, Oneonta students create their accounts and have access to a world of information to help them discover college and career readiness. Go to and click on the ACPS Kuder tab to discover what the system has to offer.
S.H.A.R.E. (Student Health and Advanced Resources for Education) In an attempt to address the emotional and behavioral concerns of the students of Oneonta Schools, a school-based therapist is available to provide counseling services to our students. This voluntary service is provided through a contract with Jefferson-Blount-St. Clair Mental Health Authority and is housed within the Oneonta Schools. For more information about these services, please visit the Oneonta City Schools website or talk with a school counselor.
T.A.P. The Teacher Advisory Program (T.A.P.) was developed to give all students the opportunity for a successful high school career and possibly future by providing them an advocate who will help and encourage their students to set and meet career/educational goals. Students are assigned an advisor at the beginning of their 9 th grade year. The advisor will follow the student throughout their high school years assisting as an additional resource for their educational needs.
Grading Scale A B C D F I Incomplete
Grade Point Average (GPA) Two Types: Standard and Numeric Standard GPA – based on 4.0 scale Regular Classes PreAP/HonorsAP A = 4.0= 4.5= 5.0 B = 3.0= 3.5= 4.0 C = 2.0= 2.5= 3.0 D = 1.0= 1.5= 2.0 F = 0.0= 0.0= 0.0 Calculating standard GPA – Includes all grades accumulated in grades Add standards and divide by number of classes taken. Aide is not included in averages. Numeric GPA – based on numerical grade average
Athletics Grades are a leading factor when deciding eligibility in playing sports both in high school and post-secondary institutions. For more information about eligibility for high school sports, visit the Alabama High School Athletic Association webpage. For more information about eligibility for college sports, visit the NCAA website.
NCAA Any college-bound student-athlete who wishes to compete in NCAA Division I or II athletics must create an account and complete the registration process by visiting or contact the customer service staff at 877/ It is advised to begin this process during your sophomore year if interested. It is important to know the current and future academic requirements.
Testing GradeTestRequiredTimelineNote 10ACT AspireYesAprilFormer assessment ACT PLAN PSAT (optional) - Cost $15 NoOctoberPreliminary SAT/National Merit Scholarship Qualifying Test for Juniors 11ACT plus WritingYesAprilState testing – no registration required ASVAB (optional) - Free NoScheduled Yearly Career Exploration Program Exam - is a multiple-aptitude battery that measures developed abilities and helps predict future academic and occupational success in the military. 12ACT WorkKeysYesFebruaryA job skills assessment system that helps employers select, hire, train, develop, and retain a high-performance workforce AP Biology AP Chemistry AP Calculus AB AP English Language AP English Literature AP US History YesMayAdvanced Placement exams - $40 exam fee; $91 exam fee for AP US History
College Entrance Exams ACT - The ACT is accepted by all 4-year colleges and universities in the United States. The ACT multiple-choice tests are based on what you're learning. Register online for the national assessment at SAT - The SAT tests the reading, writing and math skills that you learn in school and that are critical for success in college and beyond. It is accepted by virtually all colleges and universities. Register online at sat.org/register
College and Career Stations The Oneonta High School College and Career Station is an information resource center equipped with two new computers available in the high school counselor’s outer office to help assist students: Register for selective service Register for ACT/SAT (photos can be uploaded with iPad using ACT Photo App) Search for post-secondary options Complete online college applications Search for financial aid/scholarships
Career Coach Tuesdays Mrs. Heather Nanney “Coach Nanney”, OHS Career Coach Each Tuesday in the guidance department, Coach Nanney will be assisting students and provide career development guidance, college admissions, financial aid, and registration procedures for college, and schedule college campus tours. Contact information: Helpful Links Tab can be found at:
College Night The 2015 OHS College Fair was Wednesday, September 16 th beginning at 5:30PM through 7:00PM in the high school lobby. Representatives from colleges and military recruiters across the south were here to answer any questions students and/or parents may have about admissions, registration, requirements, campus, programs of study, and enlistment.
College Visitation Juniors and seniors will be allowed one (1) day per school year for college visitation. Seniors will be allowed an additional day if they have an A/B average in each core class. Students must see the high school counselor to obtain the college visitation form which must be signed by the college official for proof of visitation. The form is available in the counselor’s office or can be downloaded from the school’s website under forms on the Counselor’s Corner.
Scholarships and Financial Aid Any information about outside and local scholarships are listed on the Counselor’s Corner by visiting the school’s website. The annual OHS Financial Aid Workshop is usually scheduled on the second Tuesday evening in February (February 9 th ) beginning at 6:00PM in the high school library. At the workshop: - Senior parents can receive assistance in filing the FAFSA (Free Application for Federal Student Aid) online - Local scholarship applications become available to seniors - Receive current financial aid information
Three Forms of Scholarships: 1.College Based – These scholarships are offered through the college or university. Scholarship applications can be downloaded from the college or university’s website or request a copy from the admissions office. To be safe, each student seeking scholarships should check with individual colleges and universities for deadlines, scholarship applications, and audition/portfolio dates. Audition posters are displayed in the band room and theatre. 2.Website Based – Many scholarships are posted regularly on the Oneonta High School Counselor’s Corner webpage under “College Scholarships”. Also, researching scholarship opportunities through internet services can be rewarding. 3.Community Based (Local Scholarships) – Applications will be available at the Financial Aid Workshop and then in the counselor’s office. Please check deadline dates on counselor’s website if not available on application.
Counselor’s Corner and Newsletter Receive all updated information by visiting the Counselor’s Corner on the Oneonta High School website. A copy of the Redskin News from the Counselor’s Corner can be picked up in Mrs. Gibbs’ office.
Counselor Contact: Rhonda Gibbs (205) Thank you!