Instructor Name and Credentials: Syed Rizvi, Ph.D. Computer Science Kaplan Address: AIM Instant Messenger Name: syedkaplan AIM Office Hours (EST): Wednesday 8:00PM-9:00PM EST Course/Seminar Day and Time (EST): Wednesday 9:00PM EST COURSE MATERIALS Title: E-Commerce Strategies and Practices, Academic Student Guide - Volume 1 Author: Frank Miller and Rachelle Reese AOL Instant Messenger: (for visiting Prof during Office Hours): If you are not an AIM Member you can download the free service by visiting the following site: INSTRUCTOR AND SEMINAR INFORMATION
COURSE DESCRIPTION Learn steps to develop and integrate Internet communication strategies. Starting with marketing basics, you will learn to plan and develop a business plan. Following that you will understand the practical logistics of establishing and maintaining an eCommerce site, including legal and regulatory issues. At end you will create an eCommerce prototype site.
COURSE OUTCOMES 1. Compare technology options for implementing an eCommerce web site. 2. Compare eCommerce business models. 3. Analyze legal and governmental issues in eCommerce. 4. Create a business plan for an e-Commerce website. 5. Create a working eCommerce site. (Final project) – Need a working site at the end. You may have to obtain a hosting plan. General Education Outcomes: 1. Analyze the elements of a culture. 2. Demonstrate college-level communication through the composition of original materials in Standard American English.
Important Guidelines – Key to scoring a good grade 1. Participate in discussions. Provide meaningful input. 2. Submit Assignments in a timely manner. 3. Refer to the rubric and follow it as is. 4. Check for spelling. 5. Check for formatting. When in doubt - Do not hesitate to ask! I am here to help!