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Our goal was to make a tank that where able to follow a person. The first task was to make it follow an object in one direction. Then if we head time make it follow in two dimensions.
This photo was taken by Gretar Atli Gretarsson
This diagram was made by Björgvin Rúnar Þórhallsson in Altium
The Arduino 5000 kr Tank kr Diodes and wires 2000 kr Motor controller 7000 kr Bolt, nuts and 4mm axil 500 kr Plexiglas 1000 kr Two IR sensors 3000 kr TOTAL46500 kr
We found a demo code on the website: 6-Arduino-and-Sabertooth-2x5 We modified the code for separated control.
Regulating distance in one dimension with one IR distance sensor. sensorValue=analogRead(A0) error=sensorValue-setpoint output=error*magnification setEnginespeed(output,output)
if signal from A1 is bigger than signal from A0 turn1=0.1 turn2=1.5 sensorValue = signal from A1 else if signal from A2 is bigger than signal from A0 turn1=1.5 turn2=0.1 sensorValue = signal from A2 else turn1=1 turn2=1 sensorValue = signal from A0 if sensorValue is bigger setpoint mognun=1 else mognun=0.5 error=sensorValue-setpoint output=error*mognun setEngineSpeed( output*turn2,output*turn1*1.1 ) Regulation in two dimensions with 3 IR distance sensors:
if signal from A1 is bigger than signal from A0 turn1=-40 turn2=40 sensorValue = analogRead(A0) else if analogRead(A2) is bigger than analogRead(A0) then turn1=40 turn2=-40 sensorValue = analogRead(A0) else turn1=0 turn2=0 sensorValue = analogRead(A0) if sensorValueis lower than setpoint then mognun=1 else mognun=0.5 error=sensorValue-setpoint output=error*mognun setEngineSpeed( turn1+output, turn2+output*1.1 ) Regulation in two dimensions with 3 IR distance sensors:
A1read=analogRead(A1) A2read=analogRead(A2) if A1read is lower tha setpoint then mognun1=1.5 else mognun1=1 if A2read is lower than setpoint then mognun2=1.5 else mognun2=1 error1=A1read-setpoint output1=error1*mognun1 error2=A2read-setpoint output2=error2*mognun2 setEngineSpeed( output1,output2 ); Regulation in two dimensions with 2 IR distance sensors:
1The project 1.1Building the car 1.1.1Essably the tracks 1.1.2Install the motor 1.1.3Mount the sensor and build bracket for the sensors 1.1.4Mount arduino on top of the car 1.1.5Mount the motorcontoller under the car 1.1.7Wiring up the car 1.1.7Pimping up the car 1.2Programming 1.2.1The communication with the motor controller 1.2.2Programming one IR distance sensor for one dimension distance reglulation 1.2.3Programming two or three IR distance sensor for two dimension distance regulation 1.3The report 1.3.1Creating the latex form and front page 1.3.2Introduction 1.3.3Writing up the programing part 1.3.4Writing up materials and problem 1.3.5Writing up Produre, obsercations and conclusions 1.3.6Creating diagrams 1.4The presentation Creating the video 1.4.2Put together a power point presentation 1.4.3Preparing the car
The project Building the Car 1.1Programing 1.2 The report 1.3The presentation 1.4
Building the car 1.1 Time = 14 hrs. Essambly the car Time = 2 hrs. Install the motor Time = 1 hrs. Mount sensor/ build bracket Time = 2 hrs. Mound the arduino Time = 1 hrs. Mount the motor controller Time = 1 hrs. Wiring up the car Time = 3 hrs. Pimping up the car Time = 4 hrs.
Programing 1.2 Time = 22 hrs. Communication - motorcontroller Time = 5 hrs. One IR distance sensor Time = 3 hrs. Two or three IR distance sensor Time = 14 hrs.
The report 1.3 Time = 9 hrs. Latex form and front page Time = 1 hrs. Indroduction Time = 1 hrs. Programming part Time = 2 hrs. Marterials and problem Time = 2 hrs. Produre, observation and conclusion Time 2 hrs. Diagram hrs.
The presentation 1.4 Time : 6 hrs. The video Time = 1 hrs. Power point presentation Time = 4 hrs. Preparing the car Time = 1 hrs.
It is possible to use this idea on a bigger scale. For example on a car, to prevent two cars to crash into each other. This idea can be used on a smaller scale for people that can’t carry their stuff around. For example handicapped people
Problem one: The sensors Sensors are hard to work with. In our case we used IR distance sensors. The are very unstable end the accuracy is bad. The problem is when the “object” is too far away from the sensors then the signal become very random. Our solution would be this: If the signal varies a lot then drive slowly forward
Problem two: The sensors The problem is when the “object” is too close to the sensors and the signal drops rabidly. Our solution would be this: If the signal drops rabidly then drive slowly backwards