ASEAN Foundation
Objectives of the ASEAN Foundation Promote greater awareness of ASEAN, and greater interaction among the peoples of ASEAN as well as their wider participation in ASEAN's activities inter alia through human resources development that will enable them to realize their full potential and capacity to contribute to progress of ASEAN Member States as productive and responsible members of society. Endeavour to contribute to the evolution of a development cooperation strategy that promotes mutual assistance, equitable economic development, and the alleviation of poverty.
Agriculture Supporting HRD activities in agriculture to help uplift social condition in the rural communities
The ASEAN Foundation funds projects submitted by institutions, governmental and non-governmental organizations.
General Criteria for Project Approval 1.The project must be consistent with the MoU on the Establishment of the ASEAN Foundation as well as the objectives and priorities of the AF. 2.The project must fall under the following sectoral areas: Science and Technology, Environment, Culture and Information, and Social Development.
3. The project must be human resources development activity such as education, training, seminar, workshop, exchange, network building, fellowship, volunteerism, and information dissemination; and focuses directly on alleviating poverty within the ASEAN Region. 4. Special consideration shall be given to projects that take into account the emphasis given by the ASEAN Summit. General Criteria for Project Approval
5. The project/problem to be addressed must be regional in nature. 6. The project shall be undertaken at the ASEAN level with beneficiaries of all ASEAN member countries. However, in line with the need to assist new members of ASEAN in narrowing the development gap, the Foundation will also consider projects specifically for this purpose. 7. The project must be sustainable in nature, highly visible, and widely recognized. General Criteria for Project Approval
8. Special consideration and high-priority shall be given to projects co-financed from other sources and counterpart contributions. 9. Priority shall given to small-scale projects, specific and targeted. 10. The project’s objectives must be achievable within a specified period of time. 11. The project must be cost-effective. General Criteria for Project Approval
12. The project must not be a duplication of pending, on-going or future projects of the ASEAN Foundation and other ASEAN bodies. 13. The project must directly benefit people at the grassroots level. 14. Preference shall be given to project proponents and/or executing agencies that have the necessary network and proven track record in conducting such projects. General Criteria for Project Approval
Project Cycle 1.Receipt of New Project Proposals 2.Review of Project Proposals 3.Short-listing of Project Proposals 4.Communication with Proponents / Improvement / Modification of Proposals 5.Approval from the Board of Trustees 6.Approval from the Government of Japan (for projects applying for support using Japan-ASEAN Solidarity Fund)
Proposals are accepted all year round. Requirements and details of project proposal submission are available in ASEAN Foundation website.