Prescribes a/c treatment of inventories Guidance in determining cost and Subsequent recognition of expense including Write-down to net realisable value
Assets: ◦ Held for sale in ordinary course of business (finished goods) ◦ In the production of such sale (WIP) or, ◦ Materials/supplies used in production process or rendering of services (raw materials & consumables). (IAS2.6)
Carried at lower of: ◦ cost or net realisable value (NRV) ◦ If NRV < cost then write down to NRV Elements of cost ◦ Purchase price excl. VAT ◦ Non-refundable taxes e.g. import duties ◦ Delivery costs & other costs of bringing the inventories to their present condition. e.g. designing costs ◦ Conversion costs (labour, depreciation of machinery, allocation of fixed/variable production overhead) Interest arising from deferred settlement terms recognised as an expense over period of financing
Costs excluded from the cost of inventory: o Abnormal wastage o Storage costs o General admin overheads o Selling expenses Expense above costs when they occur
For costing purposes inventories divided into two categories: 1.Unique- specifically identifiable items 2.Uniform interchangeable units per inventory item (identical) Specifically identifiable items ◦ Cost allocated in accordance with the specific identification method ◦ Cost of inventory includes the specific costs of each item necessary to bring the inventory to its present location Uniform inventories ◦ Cost measured using either FIFO or weighted average (moving average) cost formula the same cost formula for all inventories having a similar nature and use to the entity shall be applied Inventories w/different nature or use may use different cost formulae Geographical location not sufficient to justify use of different formulae
All conversion costs included in cost of inventory Fixed production o/heads allocated to cost of production based on normal capacity Variable production o/head allocated on basis of actual use
Recognised at spot rate on transaction date
Measured at production/conversion costs Exclude: ◦ profit margins ◦ Non-attributable overheads
NRV = Selling price (ordinary course of business) – (completion + selling costs) Write down to NRV when expected realisable value < cost Each inventory item written down on item by item basis, or groups of similar items not on classification basis Estimates of realisable value based on most reliable evidence available
Not normally written down to NRV May be written down when as a result of decline of price in rm, cost of finished goods > NRV Replacement cost may be used as measure of NRV of rm
When inventories sold: ◦ recognise carrying amount as expense, ◦ In period related revenue recognised Write down of inventories: ◦ recognise loss/impairment as expense when it occurs, Reversal of write down ◦ Recognised in period it occurs
Presentation: ◦ Inventory presented as a separate line item is SFP ◦ If material – separate classes of inventory should be disclosed (e.g. raw materials, WIP, finished goods) ◦ COS must be disclosed as separate line item if SPLOCI is presented by function Disclosure: (IAS 2:36 a-h) ◦ Accounting policy in measuring inventory & cost formula used
Disclosure SFP: ◦ CA of inventories ◦ CA in classifications appropriate to entity ◦ CA of inventories held at FV – cost to sell ◦ CA of inventories pledged as securities for liabilities Disclosure SOPLOCI: ◦ Amount of inventories recognised as expense in the period ◦ Amount of any write-down of inventories recognised as an expense during the period ◦ amount of any reversal of any write-down that is recognised as a reduction in the amount of inventories recognised as expense in the period ◦ the circumstances or events that led to the reversal of a write- down of inventories
Disclosure SOPLOCI: Where profit or loss statement classified by nature, disclose: ◦ the costs recognised as an expense for raw materials and consumables, ◦ labour costs and ◦ other costs together with the amount of the net change in inventories for the period.