Demonstrations By Julia B, Wilma, Gustav & Sara L
Introduction and Method We wanted to find out what teenagers in Stockholm think of demonstrations. Arab spring and Occupy Wall Street demonstrations. Questionnaire
Questions Have you ever participated in a demonstration? Do you believe social media and networks are good ways to demonstrate? Have you ever participated in an online demonstration? (Facebook, Twitter, etc,) If you see a demonstration with an agenda you agree with, would you; a) Care but walk on b) Join, get engaged c) Not care, walk on If you see a demonstration with an agenda you don’t agree with, would you; a) Care but walk on b) Join, get engaged c) Not care, walk on Do you think demonstrations have an impact? Do they change anything?
Question 1: Have you ever participated in a demonstration
Question 2: Do you believe in social media & networks are good ways to demonstrate?
Question 3: Have you ever participated in an online demonstration? (Facebook, Twitter, etc.)
Question 4: If you see a demonstration with an agenda you agree with, would you...
Question 5: If you see a demonstration with an agenda you don’t agree with, would you...
Question 6: Do you think demonstrations have and impact? Do they change anything? Yes i think they do have a positive impact when the demonstrators have good reasons and they demonstrate in a peaceful way. demonstrations can change people's attidudes and even how systems are run. but very often demonstrations result in violence and so on only have a negative impact and create fear. demonstrations show the democracy, what the citizens will is. in a country where democracy rules it will have a greater impact, than in a dictatorship environment! yes. demonstrations via internet are extremely important + it's easier for people to join demonstrations. they have a minor impact, I don't believe they can contribute to a major change. I think they have an impact on for example politicians because they get a strong message from the people. sometimes they do change everything (like in Egypt, Libya) or at least they figure as a start of a change. sometimes they don't change anything at all (like in gothenburg) it just gets worse. No I don't. :) Fish 4 you
Conclusion The students of Kungsholmen’s Gymnasium believe in the impact of demonstrations. They emphasized that the outcome depends on the actions and the atmosphere created by the activists. Most students asked stated that demonstrations have possibilities to contribute to changes. However, the majority of them would not participate in the demonstration themselves. Nor would they interfere if they saw a demonstration with an opinion in opposition of their own. They also acknowledge the influence of social media and network in demonstrations. Social media can be used as a tool to raise awareness, and support from other countries. Many gave the example of the Arab Spring. (Most answers were positively against demonstrations, if the demonstrations were well structured, non-violent and had a good cause or reason for demonstrating. Two other occurring impacts that could affect the outcome of the demonstration were regime and quantity of demonstrators.)