1 st AID & CPR Basic skills to treat anyone
1 st AID 1) Size up the scene Is it safe for everyone Use appropriate protective equipment (gloves) What was the MOI How many victims Do you need more help
1 st AID 2) Initial Assessment Check consciousness Check for ABCs Airway (are they breathing) Blood (are they bleeding) Circulation (is there a pulse)
1 st AID Call first or Care first Call if HEART is involved Care if there is a BREATHING emergency Do not move unless necessary Protect, bandage, immobilize as needed Calling 911 is always OK!!!!
RESCUE BREATHING Brain damage can occur after 6 minutes Brain damage will occur after 10 minutes Exhaled air has some O2 1 breath for every 5 seconds Tilt chin, hold nose & breathe into mouth Breathing barriers can be used
CAUSES Object Anaphylatic Shock Poisoning Accidents Injury to head, chest, lungs or abdomen Illness Electrocution
AIRWAY OBSTRUCTION AKA…. Choking Most common cause of breathing emergencies Poorly chewed food (eating too fast, talking, laughing) Alcohol Walking, running or playing with food or object in mouth Dentures
TREATMENT If coughing, encourage to continue 5 back blows + 5 abdominal thrusts Stand behind person One hand on naval Fist thumb side on abdomen above navel Grab fist with other hand Give quick, upward thrusts
CPR CardioPulmonary Resuscitation Used for CARDIAC ARREST (no heart function) Unconsciouness No movement or breathing No pulse
CPR 2 hands on center of chest (sternum) Push straight down inches Start with 2 breaths (enough to raise chest) 30 rate of 100 per minute Give 2 breaths (1 breath per second ) Continue with compressions