WELCOME FROM: Mrs. Jeffcoat- Language Arts/Social Studies Mrs. Tatarowicz- Language Arts/Social Studies Mrs. Marmon- Math/Science Mrs. Sockel - Math/Science Mrs. Moses-Language Arts/Social Studies Mrs. Carse-Math/Science Mrs. Bell- Self-Contained: Language Arts/Social Studies/Math/Science
QUESTIONS If you have questions, please write them on a notecard. (Include your name and child’s name.) Questions will be answered in a timely manner.
TONIGHT, PARENTS WILL… know and understand their role in the Parent Learning Community. know ways they can be involved with their child’s classroom and school. understand the expectations of a student at Samuel Beck Elementary
SAMUEL BECK ELEMENTARY MISSION STATEMENT In partnership with the community, Beck Elementary is committed to success for all learners, ensuring a safe environment that implements rigorous, relevant curricula, and focused instruction.
HOME ACCESS GRADES ONLINE NISD provides grades online through the Home Access Center (HAC). Paper copies of progress reports and report cards can be provided for students in grades 1 – 5 upon request. Kinder students will receive a paper copy due to the format. If you need your password and user ID, please contact our front office at
TECHNOLOGY IN ACTION Student laptops and iPad carts Data Projectors Document Cameras Distance Learning Eduphoria Home Access Media Cast Net school
HELPFUL INFORMATION Teachers’ Web Pages -Conference Period 1:45-2:35 -Recess 11:45-12:15 -Lunch 11:15-11:45 Grading Guidelines on Beck Website
HELPFUL INFORMATION Birthdays- Individual servings of the birthday treat and napkins to be left at the front office. Please have items individually prepared. TEA Website- Transportation Changes- or in writing.
ABSENCES AND MAKE-UP WORK Absences Notify office via Make-Up Work May be requested after two or more days of absences. Request before 9:00 am on the 2nd day. Available at front office at 3:20 on the 2 nd day.
BEHAVIOR/POSITIVE REINFORCEMENT Love and Logic Shared Control Shared Thinking and Decision Making Equal Shares of Consequences with Empathy Maintain the Child’s Self-Concept To learn more about Love and Logic, visit the website at: Classroom Money System
PLANNERS/HOMEWORK Parent/Teacher Communication Planners checked and signed daily Nightly Reading Science homework due the next day unless otherwise noted. Math homework packet is due on Friday. Language Arts homework due the next day unless otherwise noted.