Let’s Talk Implementing Message Interfaces in Learning Objects Michael Anderson UT System TeleCampus Copyright Michael Anderson This work is the intellectual property of the author. Permission is granted for this material to be shared for non-commercial, educational purposes, provided that this copyright statement appears on the reproduced materials and notice is given that the copying is by permission of the author. To disseminate otherwise or to republish requires written permission from the author.
Why Learning Objects? Portability across multiple learning management systems Cost-effective reuse of expensive instructional components
When Learning Objects Turn Bad Despite rich media and effective design With no communication – from feedback – from other learners A routine series of clicks Social networks connect learners through shared objects
Definition: Learning Object Wayne Hodgins’ Lego blocks David Merrill’s event (CDT) Chuck Barritt’s RIO (Ruth Clark) David Wiley’s atom (eCornell molecule) Stephen Downes’ RSS (Alan Levine)
Application: UTTC Context Digital (fully online) Discoverable (metadata) Self-contained (zip package) Internally consistent (design) Provide an instructional event (feedback) Do not draw on outside resources (for content) Polymorphic
OO Diagram from CS (AYCDISAM) Data Encapsulated data (state information) Method Encapsulated logic (service implementation) ParameterInterface to services
Baby Steps userID from Blackboard Assessment score to Blackboard Assessment score to PeopleSoft, CF… RSS feed to Blackboard
Toddling Trigger communication based on learner actions Accept communication from a user to a community Send assessment from test object and return results to menu object Initiate communication from a user to an agent-selected user
Technologies JavaScript and XMLHttpRequest w/server-side scripting like.NET (AJaX) Java Flash Remoting
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