Power Fit Test The Power Fit Test is a protocol to evaluate your ‘Power Drop %’ which gives us a fitness indicator of power and strength using wattage as the main measurement. The Iso-Strength mode is used during the best effort application.
Intelli-Fit™ Buttons used in the Power-Fit Test program Power Fit Test Fit-Key Pause/Clear Enter Up and Down Arrows The Pause/Clear button can be used any time during exercise to pause the program or to end it. More
Power Fit Test To Start: 1. Press the More button on the first screen. 2. Press the Power-Fit Test Button 3. Press Enter Note: After pressing enter, your test begins. No prompts/pre-sets are used with this test!
Warm-up The beginning of this test starts with a ramped up 3 minute warm up, each interval lasting 1 minute each. The user is encouraged to engage in a proper warm-up before starting this test. The stage and time countdown is at the top right side of the screen for convenience.
Best Effort After the warm-up begins the 5-30 second sprint and recovery intervals begin. The 5 high intensity/red sprints are conducted through the Iso- Strength mode. During this high intensity interval, the user is prompted to use maximum effort with the aim to achieve the same wattage levels throughout each of the 5 high intensity intervals. During the best effort stage the user will be instructed to use their best effort. The time counts down in 30 second intervals.
Recovery In between the high intensity intervals is the recovery mode. Constant work load of minimum wattage is used for the 5 – 30 second recovery stages. During the recovery stage the unit will ease wattage output. The time counts down in 30 second intervals.
Cool Down The cool down lasts 2 minutes and is not counted in your test results. The user’s test results will appear 6 seconds into their cool down mode. The Power-Fit test results show peak watts during the 5 high intensity sprints, Power drop % of all 5 sprints based off the user’s recovery and the total average gained over the 5 high intensity sprints.
Save Results At this time, the user can save their results on a USB flash drive via the Fit-Key port. Simply plug your key in and press save results.
Plug the key into your computer and the results are shown as below
After completion of this test, the user is now ready for Power Fit training (see the Power Fit Training tutorial for complete details and instruction). It is suggested that the user perform the Power-Fit test periodically to engage progress. The user can re-test at any time. The user will see improvement when their average watt readout has increased. It is recommended that a 20% improvement in the average watt be achieved before moving to the next level within Power Fit training. Use these programs together
Fan There is a fan built in to the console allowing 3 speeds at low – medium – high and can be used at any time during your exercise. Press ‘Fan’ button on your far right. Press fan button 1, 2 or 3 times to select your desired speed. On the 4 th press, it turns the fan off.
Please be advised that the POWER BURST function is NOT available in this program
Please be advised that the CHANGE VIEW SCREENS are NOT available in this program