L. Groening, Sept. 15th, 2003 GSI-Palaver, Dec. 10 th, 2003, A dedicated proton accelerator for p-physics at the future GSI facilities Peter Forck (GSI), HIPPI meeting, Oxford Non-intersecting transverse and longitudinal Profile Monitors Development of non-intersecting transverse and longitudinal Profile Monitors P. Forck, A. Bank, W. Barth, C. Dorn, A. Peters, H. Reeg Gesellschaft für Schwerionenforschung, Darmstadt HIPPI Meeting 2005, Oxford Non intersecting methods for: Preventing destruction of intersecting material Parallel observation at different locations Monitoring of possible time-varying processes Goal: Same precision as intersecting methods Outline: Transverse profile monitor by Beam Induced Fluorescence BIF Bunch Structure Monitor BSM based on residual gas electron spectroscopy Transmission control by transformers
L. Groening, Sept. 15th, 2003 GSI-Palaver, Dec. 10 th, 2003, A dedicated proton accelerator for p-physics at the future GSI facilities Peter Forck (GSI), HIPPI meeting, Oxford Non-intersecting transverse and longitudinal Profile Monitors High Current Injector (RFQ&IH) Alvarez DTL Single Gap Resonators The UNILAC Facility at GSI Achieved current for U-beam (t pulse = 200 μs) U 4+ : 16 emA U 28+ : 5 emA U 73+ : 2 emA 1.4 MeV/u 11.4 MeV/u
L. Groening, Sept. 15th, 2003 GSI-Palaver, Dec. 10 th, 2003, A dedicated proton accelerator for p-physics at the future GSI facilities Peter Forck (GSI), HIPPI meeting, Oxford Non-intersecting transverse and longitudinal Profile Monitors Basics of Beam Induced Fluorescence Physics of fluorescence for N 2 residual gas: p + N 2 p + (N 2 + ) * + e - p + N + e - Excitation of residual gas molecules by beam’s energy loss Decay of N 2 + levels generate light, blue light 390 nm < < 470 nm, lifetime = 60 ns. Realizations at Los Alamos, CERN, Orsay/Saclay, Uni-Frankfurt, GSI, COSY …. Fluorescence of 200 keV p in N 2 (1961) Spectrum confirmed at CERN-PS/SPS from 1 to 450 GeV. LANL (D. Gilpatrick et al.) p at MeV in 5*10 -5 mbar N 2
L. Groening, Sept. 15th, 2003 GSI-Palaver, Dec. 10 th, 2003, A dedicated proton accelerator for p-physics at the future GSI facilities Peter Forck (GSI), HIPPI meeting, Oxford Non-intersecting transverse and longitudinal Profile Monitors Image Intensifier used at GSI-LINAC Technical realization of image intensifier at GSI: Photo cathode S20 UV: γ -e - conversion, 15 to 25 % efficiency, 200 nm < λ < 650 nm Two step MCP (25 mm diameter): 10 6 fold amplification P 46 phosphor: e - - γ conversion, 300 ns decay, 500 nm < λ < 600 nm Minifying taper coupling to CCD chip (1/2’’): 7% transmission Digital camera (Basler A311f): Firewire interface
L. Groening, Sept. 15th, 2003 GSI-Palaver, Dec. 10 th, 2003, A dedicated proton accelerator for p-physics at the future GSI facilities Peter Forck (GSI), HIPPI meeting, Oxford Non-intersecting transverse and longitudinal Profile Monitors Test Setup at GSI-LINAC Compact chamber with 150 mm insertion: Installation behind Alvarez at 11 MeV/u
L. Groening, Sept. 15th, 2003 GSI-Palaver, Dec. 10 th, 2003, A dedicated proton accelerator for p-physics at the future GSI facilities Peter Forck (GSI), HIPPI meeting, Oxford Non-intersecting transverse and longitudinal Profile Monitors Typical Result at GSI-LINAC Features: Single photon counting High resolution (here 0.3 mm/pixel), can easily be matched to application Low background (sometime larger contribution by neutrons and ) Beam parameters at GSI-LINAC: 4.7 MeV/u Ar 10+ beam I=2.5 mA equals to particles One single macro pulse of 200 s Vacuum pressure: p=10 -5 mbar (N 2 ) bump restricted ~1 m, no influence to beam detected
L. Groening, Sept. 15th, 2003 GSI-Palaver, Dec. 10 th, 2003, A dedicated proton accelerator for p-physics at the future GSI facilities Peter Forck (GSI), HIPPI meeting, Oxford Non-intersecting transverse and longitudinal Profile Monitors Application of Beam Induced Fluorescence Special application Variation during the macro pulse detectable: Switching of image intensifier Exposure window during macro-pulse Signal treatment Statistics offers ‘offline’ optimization statistics integration time resolution Beam parameter: Ar 10+ at 11 MeV/u with 8 mA
L. Groening, Sept. 15th, 2003 GSI-Palaver, Dec. 10 th, 2003, A dedicated proton accelerator for p-physics at the future GSI facilities Peter Forck (GSI), HIPPI meeting, Oxford Non-intersecting transverse and longitudinal Profile Monitors In Preparation: Digital Interface for Firewire Digital camera offers: no loss of data-quality, versatile trigger, variable exposure time CCD-camera: Basler A311f featuring 649x494 pixels, 12 bit, 50 frames/s, IEEE 1394b Iris/MCP-gain variation: Remote controlled iris by local, ethernet based DAC Readout: HUB optical fiber real-time controller running RT-LabVIEW (NI) Status: DAQ in preliminary design phase LabVIEW Software: DAQ System:
L. Groening, Sept. 15th, 2003 GSI-Palaver, Dec. 10 th, 2003, A dedicated proton accelerator for p-physics at the future GSI facilities Peter Forck (GSI), HIPPI meeting, Oxford Non-intersecting transverse and longitudinal Profile Monitors Novel Device for non-intersecting Bunch Shape Measurement Bunch-Shape seldom measured ! Scheme for novel device: Secondary electrons for residual gas Acceleration by electric field Target localization by apertures and electro-static analyzer (Δy = 0.2 to 2 mm, Δz=0.2 to 1 mm) rf-resonator as ‘time-to-space’ converter same as intersecting method (INR-Moscow) Readout Ø70 mm MCP + Phosphor + CCD Measurement done within one macro-pulse (not yet achieved due to back-ground)
L. Groening, Sept. 15th, 2003 GSI-Palaver, Dec. 10 th, 2003, A dedicated proton accelerator for p-physics at the future GSI facilities Peter Forck (GSI), HIPPI meeting, Oxford Non-intersecting transverse and longitudinal Profile Monitors Realization for Bunch Shape Monitor at UNILAC E-field and the energy-analyzer: Installation for beam based tests:
L. Groening, Sept. 15th, 2003 GSI-Palaver, Dec. 10 th, 2003, A dedicated proton accelerator for p-physics at the future GSI facilities Peter Forck (GSI), HIPPI meeting, Oxford Non-intersecting transverse and longitudinal Profile Monitors First Results from Bunch Shape Measurement at UNILAC Features: Single electron detection Recorded within few macro-pulses Resolution better 50 ps = 2 Pressure bump required Back-ground should be suppressed Beam parameters: Ni 14+ at 11.4 MeV/u I=1.5 mA, 200 μs macro pulse Average: 8 macro pulses Pressure p=2*10 -6 mbar Deflector power P=15 W Time information carried by the residual gas e - is transferred to spatial differences:
L. Groening, Sept. 15th, 2003 GSI-Palaver, Dec. 10 th, 2003, A dedicated proton accelerator for p-physics at the future GSI facilities Peter Forck (GSI), HIPPI meeting, Oxford Non-intersecting transverse and longitudinal Profile Monitors First Application from Bunch Shape Measurement Variation of buncher: Bunch shape was determined, influeneced by buncher Pick-up: No measurable influence Emittance determination possible Beam parameters: Ni 14+ at 11.4 MeV/u I=2 emA, 200 μs macro pulse Average: 4 macro pulses Pressure p=10 -5 mbar
L. Groening, Sept. 15th, 2003 GSI-Palaver, Dec. 10 th, 2003, A dedicated proton accelerator for p-physics at the future GSI facilities Peter Forck (GSI), HIPPI meeting, Oxford Non-intersecting transverse and longitudinal Profile Monitors Beam Space Charge Contribution Simulation method: e - trajectory calc. inside beam pipe & linear optics for energy analyzer Simulation parameter: E kin = 11.4 MeV/u Parabolic bunch shape ∓ 0.5 ns longitudinal root points ∓ 5 mm transversal root points Variation of current (as for Ni 14+ ) Simulation result: stronger influence as for standard method, but still acceptable The residual gas e- are influenced by beam’s E-field in addition to the monitor E-field Simulation of influence for different currents:
L. Groening, Sept. 15th, 2003 GSI-Palaver, Dec. 10 th, 2003, A dedicated proton accelerator for p-physics at the future GSI facilities Peter Forck (GSI), HIPPI meeting, Oxford Non-intersecting transverse and longitudinal Profile Monitors Dynamic Transmission control at UNILAC ACCT clamping Integration window ACCT signal 40 μs/div Variation of maximal loss via software input: 8 different input thresholds 8 different macro-pulse duration by electric chopper in front of RFQ Save protection of equipment. FPGA-electronics: ACCT V/f-converter Up/down-counter: 1 st ACCT ↑, 2 nd ↓ Digital comparator chopper
L. Groening, Sept. 15th, 2003 GSI-Palaver, Dec. 10 th, 2003, A dedicated proton accelerator for p-physics at the future GSI facilities Peter Forck (GSI), HIPPI meeting, Oxford Non-intersecting transverse and longitudinal Profile Monitors Conclusion and Outlook Beam Induced Fluorescence BIF: First prototype in operation for ‘single photon counting’, usable during UNILAC operation Data acquisition in design phase (responsible engineer just hired) More investigation with high current required possible problems: broadening by space charge field, two-step excitation…. Non-intersecting Bunch Shape Monitor: Prove-of-principle performed, resolution lower than 50 ps = MHz Improvements for back-ground suppression in preparation beam test necessary Calculations and measurements of signal deformation due to beam space charge required Device in experimental condition engineering design for operation required Dynamic Transmission control: System design finished Hardware in operation Improvements of operation control required
L. Groening, Sept. 15th, 2003 GSI-Palaver, Dec. 10 th, 2003, A dedicated proton accelerator for p-physics at the future GSI facilities Peter Forck (GSI), HIPPI meeting, Oxford Non-intersecting transverse and longitudinal Profile Monitors Comparison for different Gases at p Source (Saclay) Choice of fluorescence gas: High fluorescence yield at optical wave-length Short lifetime of excited level Good vacuum pumping Results: Profile is independent of gas Care: Long lifetime (N 2 + : 60 ns) broadening by beam space charge Light emitted by primary ions e.g. p + N 2 H* + N 2 + (only important for E kin <1 MeV) At large N 2 density (p>10 -3 mbar): Two-step processes e.g. N 2 + e - N 2 * + e - possible Profiles from different gasses Example: Ion source 100 keV, 100 mA protons P. Ausset et al. (Orsay/Saclay) N 2, Ne Ar, Kr Xe
L. Groening, Sept. 15th, 2003 GSI-Palaver, Dec. 10 th, 2003, A dedicated proton accelerator for p-physics at the future GSI facilities Peter Forck (GSI), HIPPI meeting, Oxford Non-intersecting transverse and longitudinal Profile Monitors Non-intercepting Profile Measurement based on Energy Loss Target e - -density ~ 1/E kin (for E kin > 1GeV nearly constant) Strong dependence on projectile charge Profile determination from ionization and excitation of residual gas. M. Plum et al.: p in N 2 at CERN-PS Standard monitors: SEM-Grid, Wire-Scanner, Scintillation Screen, OTR-Screen… Disadvantage: intercepting, problems for time-varying processes Non-intercepting profile measurement: Large beam power can destroy the material Synchrotron: Monitoring during full cycle LINAC: Monitoring at different locations, variation during the macro-pulse Physics: electronic stopping power Bethe-Bloch formula: - dE/dx = const · Z t ρ t /A t · Z p 2 · 1/β 2 · [ ln(const ·γ 2 β 2 /I) – β 2 ] cross section α dE/dx pc [GeV]
L. Groening, Sept. 15th, 2003 GSI-Palaver, Dec. 10 th, 2003, A dedicated proton accelerator for p-physics at the future GSI facilities Peter Forck (GSI), HIPPI meeting, Oxford Non-intersecting transverse and longitudinal Profile Monitors Technical Realization Possibilities for BIF Double MCP: + single photon, fold amp. - resolution limited (MCP-channels) Example: GSI-LINAC (300 μm/pixel) Single MCP: - lower fold amp. + higher resolution Example: CERN-SPS (160 μm/pix), R. Jung et al. Photo-cathode: Only for required wavelength interval to avoid dark currents, e.g. S20UV: 200<λ<650 nm dark rate 500 e - /cm 2 /s, S25red: 300<λ<900 nm e - /cm 2 /s Phosphor: Fast decay ↔ lower sensitivity e.g. P47: τ = 0.1 μs, P43: τ = 1000 μs I P43 ~ 4 · I P47 Problem: Radiation hardness of CCD camera
L. Groening, Sept. 15th, 2003 GSI-Palaver, Dec. 10 th, 2003, A dedicated proton accelerator for p-physics at the future GSI facilities Peter Forck (GSI), HIPPI meeting, Oxford Non-intersecting transverse and longitudinal Profile Monitors BIF at Synchrotrons Example: CERN SPS and PSB,PS (R. Jung, M. Plum et al.) Photon yield scales like Bethe-Bloch energy loss ΔE d for p with 100 MeV < E kin < 450 GeV Comparison to wire scanner at SPS Gas N 2 Xe ΔE /photon3.6 keV46 keV lifetime58 ± 0.3 ns59 ± 1 ns Method: fluorescence decay by ~5 ns long bunches
L. Groening, Sept. 15th, 2003 GSI-Palaver, Dec. 10 th, 2003, A dedicated proton accelerator for p-physics at the future GSI facilities Peter Forck (GSI), HIPPI meeting, Oxford Non-intersecting transverse and longitudinal Profile Monitors Realization of Bunch Shape Monitor at UNILAC
L. Groening, Sept. 15th, 2003 GSI-Palaver, Dec. 10 th, 2003, A dedicated proton accelerator for p-physics at the future GSI facilities Peter Forck (GSI), HIPPI meeting, Oxford Non-intersecting transverse and longitudinal Profile Monitors Standard Bunch Shape Determination Standard intersecting method developed by INR-Moscow (A. Feschenko, P. Ostrumov et al.): Insertion of a 0. 1 mm wire at 10 kV Emission of e - within < 0.1 ps Acceleration toward 1mm slit Rf-deflector as time-to-space converter Detection with Slit+Cup or MCP Resolution better 1 o or 10 ps
L. Groening, Sept. 15th, 2003 GSI-Palaver, Dec. 10 th, 2003, A dedicated proton accelerator for p-physics at the future GSI facilities Peter Forck (GSI), HIPPI meeting, Oxford Non-intersecting transverse and longitudinal Profile Monitors Dynamic Transmission control at UNILAC 40 μs/div Verification for transmission control: Artificial beam loss by quadrupole variation chopper window decrease
L. Groening, Sept. 15th, 2003 GSI-Palaver, Dec. 10 th, 2003, A dedicated proton accelerator for p-physics at the future GSI facilities Peter Forck (GSI), HIPPI meeting, Oxford Non-intersecting transverse and longitudinal Profile Monitors High Current Transmission control at UNILAC FPGA