Brookline High School Kari Buys AP Statistics Brookline High School Kari Buys
About Me From Michigan Lived in Chicago Moved to Boston 4 years ago Went to undergrad at Calvin College (Math and Psychology Major) Lived in Chicago Spent one year in a Ph.D. program studying Cognitive Psychology and Advanced Statistics Masters from Northwestern University (Secondary Math Education) Moved to Boston 4 years ago Teaching at BHS 4 years Taught Statistics for 2 years First year teaching AP Statistics
About This Class The students are a great class! Incredibly friendly and sweet (and entertaining)! Very hard working! Introductory study of how numerical data may be analyzed as an aid to decision-making. Topics include probability, frequency distributions, random variables, sampling techniques, binomial experiments, confidence intervals, hypothesis testing, linear regression and coefficient of correlation. AP course - requires more work outside of class Reading textbook, taking notes, coming in for extra help.
AP Test Wednesday May 16th, 2012 Students are expected to take the AP test. AP Central has lots of resources for students.
About Grades (65%) Tests/Quizzes (10%) Homework (20 %) Projects Two equally weighted tests per quarter (first one tomorrow) Multiple quizzes - practice for the test. I don’t want to penalize for practice, so at the end of the quarter I only count the quizzes that improve the students’ test/quiz grade. Students cannot take a quiz if absent (can get a copy). (10%) Homework Most are graded based on effort not accuracy. Collect about once a week to grade. (20 %) Projects Two per quarter. Focus on applying the statistics we learn in class. (5%) Warmups Daily review problem at the beginning of class
About Getting Help/Information Please e-mail anytime: or Website: Math Help Center: Rm. 141, open every morning 7:30-8:15am