User Guide to Trigger/Prescale information in COMA runBrowserReport Elizabeth Gallas - Oxford December, 2010
Dec 2010Elizabeth Gallas - COMA / RunBrowser2 What is COMA ? COMA is a short name for the ATLAS “COnditions MetadatA” project: part of a general effort to consolidate/relate ATLAS Metadata. 3 Components of COnditions MetadatA (COMA) project: 1.COMA Database Tables A collection of selected/derived Run/LB-wise Conditions Originally, built to support dynamic queries of TAG DB Now, also a standalone system with interfaces (below) 2.runBrowserReport - report interface for COMA Tables COMA Run reports available for some time New COMA Reports contain more trigger/prescale info Useful to experts as well as general users 3.runBrowser – interface for finding Run/LB of interest runBrowser is another related interface in development Ryan Buckingham – main developer of runBrowser runBrowser is not covered in this presentation but feedback on desired trigger related selection criteria is welcome These slides: Focus on trigger/prescale related info in runBrowserReport Caveats Links and Documentation Summary
Dec 2010Elizabeth Gallas - COMA / RunBrowser3 COMA Database: General Principles Conditions Metadata Data is uploaded from best available sources Mostly Conditions DB, Trigger DB, but also other sources Into a Relational Database to which ELSSI has easy access Must provide information ELSSI needs to decode TAG attributes (data/MC) Include information for both Online and MC Runs TAGs for Online/MC have the same attributes (no MC truth) Catalogue for Online/MC reflects similar processing workflows Upload select conditions for Runs of ‘analysis interest’ Note: NOT all Runs and not all Conditions Only upload Conditions in LOCKED COOL tags (w/cross checks) Refine/Correct/Derive conditions to form more effective criteria ! Information not available in other systems Systems now using/integrating COMA information: RunBrowser interfaces (runBrowser and runBrowserReport) ELSSI (the TAG DB Browser) TAG services (command line use of TAG files) TAG Catalogue AMI
Dec 2010Elizabeth Gallas - COMA / RunBrowser4 runBrowserReport: General Principles runBrowserReport Purpose: Report interface for COMA Display what COMA knows about Runs Useful for experts/users (also for COMA loading and cross checks) Provide links to more detailed information (in other systems) runQuery, AMI, Trigger, Data Quality …reports using COOLCherryPy Provide reports distinctive from other systems (Avoid duplication of effort) Display COMA ‘derived’ information Not available in other systems runBrowserReport php uses GET methods: Inputs are not complex, user can modify URL to get report they want, put links into TWiki or other documentation Currently: ELSSI and runBrowser generate links to runBrowserReports for selections in those systems … links in AMI this week
Dec 2010Elizabeth Gallas - COMA / RunBrowser5 Some COMA “derived” prescale quantities “Aggregate Prescale”: LB Range-wise: TRIG_AGG_PS.AGG_PS AGG_PS = L1 * L2 * EF prescales, when all trigger levels are active (prescale >= 0). AGG_PS = -1 when any level PS <0 Run-wise: RUN_AGG_PS.MIN_PS, MAX_PS MIN_PS = MIN (AGG_PS), MAX_PS = MAX(AGG_PS) Of all AGG_PS >=1 MIN_PS = MAX_PS = -1, When all AGG_PS < 1 over the Run. FLAGS: Prescale, PassThrough, Rerun (3 modes chains can be ‘active’): PS_FLAG (at the Run level) -1 / 0 / 1 chain active via prescale for none / part / all of Run. PT_FLAG (at LB Range and Run level) 0 / 1 / 2 / 3 no PT / PT at L2 and EF / PT at L2 / PT at EF. RR_FLAG (at the Run level) -1 / 0 / 1 indicates if the chain Never / Sometimes / Always can be RERUN during the Run (online). For each Signature LB range in ps evolution AGG_PS PT_FLAG For each Signature Run MIN_PS MAX_PS PS_FLAG PT_FLAG RR_FLAG
Dec 2010Elizabeth Gallas - COMA / RunBrowser6 COMA runBrowserReport Index page INDEX: GUIDE: “Index” page: Enter any input quantity, IE: a Run number IE: a Chain Name Click on submit (or return key) Links at bottom of every page: RBR reports use “GET” methods: Modify the URL to change input RBR reports contain links No need to use index page for every query Links lead you to other COMA reports other external reports AMI, runQuery, TriggerDB… Bottom of each page
Dec 2010Elizabeth Gallas - COMA / RunBrowser7 runBrowserReport: Reports available (example links) RBR Run Report (Run ): General Run information, AMI tags, DQ, Prescale Evolution, Triggers Trigger tables show derived Run-integrated prescale, passthrough RBR Master Key Report (Key 877): Runs using this SMK, physics/commissioning chains, Level 1 items RBR Chain Report (Chain EF_g11_etcut): Summary: SMK, Runs, Signature appearances of this chain Runs with this chain ‘active’ RBR Chain Wildcard Report (chain name matching string EF_g1%): Summary: SMK,Runs with this chain, activation in Runs RBR Prescale Report (Run Prescales for chain EF_g11_etcut): Derived chain activity over the Run and LB-wise prescales
Dec 2010Elizabeth Gallas - COMA / RunBrowser8 RBR Multi-Run Report: Click on a specific Run link: RBR Single Run report Contains: basic information for the runs matching the input criteria Input criteria: printed in the header Click on SMK link: RBR Trigger Super Master Key Report Links in Table column headers: Short description of column Hover over link: Indicates what will happen Click on duck: RBR documentation
Dec 2010Elizabeth Gallas - COMA / RunBrowser9 RBR: Single Run Overview General Run info Period, LB range, Date … Links to COMA reports Links to external reports Yellow sections expand (5): AMI tags for this Run In the TAG Catalogue DQ LBSUMM assessments COOL tagged/locked Active Streams Prescale Evolution PS Key changes Trigger section HLT summary HLT subsections Physics Commissioning Level 1 Items Open this section in next slide…
Dec 2010Elizabeth Gallas - COMA / RunBrowser10 RBR Run Report (166964):Trigger Section HLT Summary: total, active, disabled physics, commissioning signatures Show/Hide the grey rows grey disabled signature in Run Choose Egamma (jQueryColumnFilters) RBR Chain Report: All Runs with this chain or item RBR Prescale Report: LB-wise PS info for this Run/Signature Run-wise AggPS Range,Flags(PT,PS,RR)
Dec 2010Elizabeth Gallas - COMA / RunBrowser11 RBR Chain Report (chain EF_e10_loose) Activation Summary: Shows the Runs in which this element is “active” separated by: “Physics” EF-L2-L1 signatures Via prescale Via pass through Via rerun “Commissioning” signatures Via prescale Via pass through Via rerun Configuration Summary: Shows where this element is configured: Super Master Key(s), Runs (Summary), Signature Appearances Open this section in next slide…
Dec 2010Elizabeth Gallas - COMA / RunBrowser12 RBR Chain Report (chain EF_e10_loose) Expand Run-wise Activation … “Physics” EF-L2-L1 signatures Runs in Data Periods Active via Prescale Table Shows: Data Period Names of each Run Link: COMA Run report Link: COMA SMK Report Links: COMA Chain/Item Reports (3) Links: COMA Prescale Report (3) Range of Aggregate prescale while chain is active during the Run
Dec 2010Elizabeth Gallas - COMA / RunBrowser13 RBR Chain Wildcard Report (input: “EF_g1%”) Purpose: See all the names matching a pattern or Find exact name from part of the name Report: Displays chain/item names matching the input string … text size proportional to occurrence in SMK In Period Runs and in All Runs
Dec 2010Elizabeth Gallas - COMA / RunBrowser14 RBR Prescale Report (Run , chain EF_e5_tight) LB Range Summary table: LB-wise Prescale Evolution Link:TriggerDB prescale reports Prescales: L1,L2,EF and Aggregate Chain Inactive from LB 1-78 and (LB ranges in COMA always inclusive) L2 pass through N=315 from LB EF Pass Through: Never Run-wise Summary: Includes link to COMA reports: Run, Master Key, Chain, Prescale (each level) Aggregate PS Range: Flags: Partially active via PS Pass Through at L2 Never Rerun
Dec 2010Elizabeth Gallas - COMA / RunBrowser15 Caveats You must have a grid certificate on your browser To use ELSSI or runBrowser or runBrowserReport (soon AMI …) COMA divides signatures in two mutually exclusive categories: “Physics” complete EF-L2-L1 signatures with distinct name, counter, prescale Does not imply all are written to “physics” streams ! “Commissioning” irregular/incomplete signatures (missing one/more of above) Includes signatures with L1-OR’d conditions (never used for physics analysis) COMA derived Aggregate Prescales and PS_FLAG: Do not take into account “Stream Prescales” Never applied to “Physics” streams Do not take into account effective Level 1 prescale in chains using L1-OR’s These are not physics triggers anyway THEREFORE: Aggregate prescales for triggers writing to non-physics streams may be underestimates But this does not apply to chains used for physics So not highest priority now, may incorporate this later in stream reports Warning: RBR Reports for MC Runs are not well tested Prescales don’t generally change with LB, generally 1 … Not highest priority now
Dec 2010Elizabeth Gallas - COMA / RunBrowser16 Documentation and Links Web Interface Link: Because COMA is developed within the TAG development group, RunBrowser interfaces are linked into the TAG Services portal: TAG Services portal: (click on the latest versions) runBrowserReport ‘index’ page direct link (also available from above) Documentation runBrowserReport:
Dec 2010Elizabeth Gallas - COMA / RunBrowser17 COMA Trigger info use in ELSSI ELSSI: “Event Level Selection Service Interface” The ATLAS TAG DB browser TAG DB (and TAG files) contain event-wise trigger decisions At all levels of the trigger At EF level, contains the ‘physics’ and ‘raw’ decision Workflow: ELSSI user selects the equivalent of one/more Runs 1.ELSSI looks to COMA tables to find chain/item name/number mapping For the “Physics Trigger” tab: The relationship between trigger levels Displays the “active” EF-L2-L1 chains in the selected runs Also, there is a “Level 1 Trigger tab” showing all items 2.ELSSI: gives link to runBrowserReport for selected Runs 3.ELSSI: can also launch runBrowser, not covered today What does this look like in ELSSI ??? Next slides … which will lead into the runBrowserReport(s) …
Dec 2010Elizabeth Gallas - COMA / RunBrowser18 ELSSI “Trigger” tab, “Physics Chains” subtab
Dec 2010Elizabeth Gallas - COMA / RunBrowser19 ELSSI Link to runBrowserReport ELSSI contains a link to the COMA Run Report: 1.User chooses the Collection Name (Period selection also available) 2.ELSSI shows Runs in the Collection 3.ELSSI displays link to pop-up runBrowserReport
Dec 2010Elizabeth Gallas - COMA / RunBrowser20 Summary Components of the COMA project (COnditions MetadatA) 1.COMA tables – the relational DB tables RunBrowser Package 2.runBrowser – the Browser interface for COMA 3.runBrowserReport – the Report interface for COMA I’ve described today Trigger/PS aspects of COMA and runBrowserReport There are many areas of activity in the COMA project not mentioned here Reports will grow and evolve As COMA information evolves/grows With feedback from users I hope in future we can talk about runBrowser and ELSSI: How they can be used to select Runs/ LBs/ Events in advance of analysis What Run/LB-wise trigger/ps related selections would be useful Thanks !!! Trigger DB / Trigger Experts for answering questions Joerg Stelzer, Paul Bell And to many others who answer questions posted on hypernews Forms many use cases to direct development effort
Dec 2010Elizabeth Gallas - COMA / RunBrowser21 Backup