Graphing in Science Objectives: (1) Communicate data through tables and graphs. (2) Create appropriate graphs based on data.
What are the parts of a graph?
X-axis = IV Y-axis = DV Title = DV vs. IV Title = DV vs. IV
Graphing in Science Graph Parts Title Y-Axis | | |__________________________ X-axis - X-axis = IV (ex: Day #) - Y-axis = DV (ex: Amount of Rain in cm) - Title = DV vs. IV (ex: Amount of Rain vs. Day #)
Example Average Weekly Television Watching in Hours % Students Turning in HW
What is the IV? Average Weekly Television Watching in Hours % Students Turning in HW
What is the DV? Average Weekly Television Watching in Hours % Students Turning in HW
What would the title of the graph be? Average Weekly Television Watching in Hours % Students Turning in HW
Example Average Weekly Television Watching in Hours % Students Turning in HW
Quick Practice Create a line graph for the given data. Fertilizer Amount in (mg) - IV Plant Height in (cm) - DV
Quick Practice:completed Fertilizer Amount in (mg) - IV Plant Height in (cm) - DV
Graph Types Vs.
Line Graph - Use when the IV changes amount (day #, amount of fertilizer, # of trials, etc.)
Graph Types Bar Graph - Use when the IV changes type (person name, color of flower, etc.)
Graphing in Science Graph Types -Line Graph - Use when the IV changes amount (day #, amount of fertilizer, etc) -Bar Graph - Use when the IV changes type (person name, color of flower, etc.)
Graph ✔ list 1.Data in correct location ( IV on x-axis; DV on y- axis. 2.Axes labeled with units (cm, L, s, kg, etc.) 3.Axes evenly spaced out 4.Accurate title 5.Correct graph type