Test Administration and Security Training
2 1. Assessment purpose must be clear. 3. Assessment mechanics should not impact value. 2. Assessment value must exceed instructional time lost. 4. Assessments must be fair and support equity.
K-12 Assessment Framework: College and Career Readiness Assessment Benchmarks Key MAP PSAT SAT PARCC Grade
One foundational data point used as one of the system measures to determine student growth Computer adaptive assessments Administered in mathematics and reading from grades K-8 Aligned with the Common Core State Standards (CCSS) Norm-referenced
TEST ADMINTESTING WINDOW Fall Grades 1-8 *No fall admin for kindergarten September 8, 2015 – October 20, 2015 Winter Grades K-8 January 19, 2016 – March 1, 2016 Spring Grades K-2 *No spring admin for 3-8 May 5, 2016 – June 10, 2016
Do not create any students in the MAP system. Please make sure that your staff does not either. System Update Page Students eligible for PARCC verbatim reading in their IEP will be able to have this accommodation for the MAP-R test.
As with any other assessment, the MAP assessments are secure tests. No one is allowed to read, copy, or otherwise duplicate any items that appear on a student’s computer screen. ALL scrap paper must be destroyed at the conclusion of the testing session.
Research, Accountability, and Assessment –Coordinate with NWEA and other BCPS offices –Training –Troubleshoot during the window Technology –Maintaining all system-related activities –Troubleshoot during the window Student Data –Teacher/student/class data
Principal Basic understanding of how the MAP tests are administered and reported General oversight of test administration Understand the purpose of MAP as a growth measure Communicate with parents regarding the MAP assessment purpose Review participation rates weekly during the window Access and review summary MAP results and school level MAP Growth Reports using the SPP Dashboard.
STC Develop testing schedule Create testing sessions (or train teachers to do this) Monitor accommodations Access and review school-wide reports
Proctor (Teacher) Create testing sessions (or access those created by the STC) Prepare students for testing Administer and monitor the assessment
The first time a student ever takes a MAP test, it will start on an average performance level question for that grade level. Students should understand that they will not know all of the answers to the questions. Students should understand that unlike other assessments, they will not be able to go back and check their answers. There is a Warm-Up session on the testing website that can be completed any time prior to testing.
Sign on to your proctor computer, using the URL ( )
After you login in, click “Manage Test Sessions”.
Select “Test My Class” Will show students who are assigned to the teacher in STARS.
Check the box for the class that you will test. After you select your class, select “TEST NOW”.
Select “Find Students to Test”
Choose: grade teacher class Click on SEARCH
Select student(s) to be tested. Next, select the “ASSIGN TEST” icon
Select appropriate test.
After you select the test, select “ASSIGN”
Log in to all testing computers (suggested to do prior to test session start). Sound must be on and the device must be connected to the internet. Username: test Password: test Students testing MPG should have headphones plugged in prior to testing. Click on MAP testing icon on desktop Student Log In to Lockdown Browser Write the session name and password for students to see.
Proctor ScreenStudent Screen
Once students are confirmed, the student will see a “Start Test” icon on their screen. To confirm ALL students to test, select “CONFIRM NOW”
INTERRUPTIONFOLLOW- UP DURATIONNOTES PauseResumeUp to 30 minutes Student must resume testing on the same computer. Test will continue with the next question. SuspendTest AgainUp to 28 daysStudent can test again in the same or a different testing session. You can choose to continue with the next question or start at the beginning. TerminateTest AgainPermanentSystem discards all previous answers and student starts at the beginning.
To Pause a student: 1.Click on student check box. 2.Select “Pause” from the ACTION box and click on GO. 3.Select “Resume” to continue the test.
Proctors can take over a student computer by clicking on Ctrl, Shift, and P at the same time. This allows proctors to troubleshoot directly on a student computer instead of returning to the proctor computer.
1. Click on Manage Test Sessions 2. Click on Find Students to Test
4. Select school, grade, teacher, class 5. Select the test 6. Click on the Suspended Test box and SEARCH
NEXT STEPS: You will see a list of students with a suspended test in the chosen content and for the teacher / class you selected for your search. If you want to print this list, you have to click on the Add Students button. The student list will populate below and you can do a Print Screen to print the list. You then have the option of saving this group as a new test session or click cancel to return to the Manage Test Sessions Screen.
1. Click on Manage Test Sessions 2. Click on Find Students to Test
3. Click on Test History Search
4. Select school, grade, teacher, class 5. Select the test 6. Click on the Not Yet Tested box and SEARCH
NEXT STEPS: You will see a list of students who have not taken the test in the chosen content for the teacher / class you selected for your search. If you want to print this list, you have to click on the Add Students button and then print the list using the print screen function. You then have the option of saving this group as a new test session or click cancel to return to the Manage Test Sessions Screen.
If a students test is suspended for more than 28 days, it will be terminated. Any terminated tests will result in the student having NO score. Proctors currently have the capacity to manually terminate tests. No tests should be terminated without guidance from the assessment office.
It is the intention to have each child participate one time per content (reading and math), per administration. If extenuating circumstances occur, causing a student’s score to be invalid, the STC or principal can request that the score be invalidated. These requests are individually reviewed and the student will only be able to retest if it is determined that the score was compromised. Once a score is invalidated it is deleted from reports.