IPA Component IV - Human Resources Development - European Union Program for Croatia Project office: Lastovska 23, 1000 Zagreb, Project office: Lastovska 23, 1000 Zagreb, Tel: Main project partner This project is implemented by a SQA-led consortium Objectives, Results and Impacts Jurgen Weiss Team leader
Objective Strengthening the capacity of the Croatian VET system to provide the VET students in long-term with attractive qualifications which are needed in the labour market Qualification needed in the LM Croatian VET System Long-term provision CONTENTS DISSEMINATION SUSTAINABILITY
Purpose The project is aimed at consolidating and improving the results of the VET Reform Supporting the development of competence-oriented VET qualifications and curricula based on the needs of economy and learners themselves, and harmonised with the CROQF; Providing access to best-practice examples and enabling VET specialists, practitioners and stakeholders to use them for the improvement of the Croatian VET system. Qualifications & VET curricula OUTPUT ORIENTATION INTEGRATION INTO CROQF USE OF BEST PRACTICES
Results 1.Methodology for the VET qualification / curriculum development, mechanisms for ensuring regular revisions developed 2.Capacity building resources for an efficient dissemination of methodology, knowledge and skills of the AVET staff & practitioners enhanced, capacity building methodology is tested, dissemination of methodology 3.Effective co-ordination mechanisms for development of occupational standards, qualifications & curricula are established Results METHODOLOGY HUMAN CAPACITY COORDINATION MECHANISM
Project Process Capacity building Management & dissemination Development support Test of methodology SC Improvement Tasks and responsibilities OS/Q/ VET C 2 MECHANISMMECHANISM WG 0 WG 1 WG 2 WG 26 OS/Q/ VET C 1 OS/Q/ VET C 0 OS/Q/ VET C 26 MtMt METHODLOGYMETHODLOGY
Target groups Developer VET specialist, subject specialist, practitioner, development manager, development trainer, coordinator, disseminator Responsible quality of VET standards and programmes User VET provider, teachers, mentor, employer Responsible for the quality of delivery of VET standards and programmes Decider and Designer Police maker, advisor, scientist, stakeholder Responsible for the qualification structure of workforce METHODOLOGYMETHODOLOGY MECHANISMMECHANISM A APPLICATIONAPPLICATION
Sustainability Sustainability is a key objective of each project. A project can be considered as sustainable, if the project resources cause long term impact and changes. This is only possible through dissemination into new contexts Methodology R Transfer to new contexts h New qualifications New management Sector Councils AVET staff WG Coordinators MECHANISMMECHANISM New user New developers
8 Uncertainty of impact Results - Interaction between VET and Economy improved - Development capacity strengthened - Methodology for elaboration of LM needs based qualifications and output oriented VET curricula developed and tested THE MAIN PROBLEM VET system does not correspond to current and future labour market requirements - Use of the capacity and a designed and tested methodology for the development of a new generation of qualifications and VET curricula Utilization of results Direct benefit Indirect benefit General benefit Prosperity increase - VET Graduates with increased employability -Employers find more adequately qualified workers - Society more efficiently utilizes HR Croatian VET system better corresponds to the labor market requirements
Agency for Vocational Education and Training P R O J ECT WG 1 Collecting, proccessing exchanging information and Producing and delivering expertise, advise and comprehensive evaluation on 1.SC development 2.methodology and mechanisms for development and use of occupational standards, VET qualifications and curricula. WG Coordinator WG 1 WG2 WG Coordinator WG 1 WG 2 Sector Council 1 Sector Profil Sector Strategy Qualifications management Ranking Development and up- dating Sector Council 2 Sector Profil Sector Strategy Qualifications management Ranking Development and up- dating...