KU - Criminal Justice Ethics CJ-340 Unit #6 Lance Oakland
Unit #6 Are police officers faced with situations where extreme force is necessary, even if it may result in criminal violations? Yes or No? Please provide 2 different examples so we can discuss
Ends Justify the Means? 1) Do good ends make actions right? Do they contribute in part to the rightness of actions? 2) Should we take ends and consequences into account in deciding what to do? 3) Are a person’s ends relevant to the quality of the person’s character and to the praise or blame the person deserves for specific actions?
Legal Use of Force Only that force that is reasonable and necessary to……. Effect the arrest Prevent / stop the assault
What is Legal Force? The legislators and courts have consistently stated that: Police officers need not retreat because force is offered. Police officers are not expected to get injured
Bottom Line If the force the officer is exercising is illegal, then it is……… EXCESSIVE FORCE There is no justification for excessive force.
Ends Justify the Means? Have to take consequences into account -intentions? -Shouldn’t only take into account consequences -Good ends can conflict with each other – pull us in contrary directions -Ends to justify means to a point. Human life is just not so simple!!
Ends Justify the Means? Does the scenario of the kidnapped victim buried alive & the subject knowing where she is – a justified scenario for “torture” or “Enhanced Interrogation” – a term currently under great debate by the President and our elected officials.
Noble Cause Corruption “Noble cause” corruption – whether illegal actions that violates rights of citizens are ever morally right or excusable? -Rights of the innocent versus rights of the suspect (perpetrator)
Noble Cause Corruption Three Basic Points 1) Since ends do not necessarily justify means, a good end cannot justify a means in the context that makes it wrong and evil. 2) Revising regulations and rules cannot eliminate tragedy and conflict of ideals 3) Inflicting pain sadistically, with pleasure and without regret, can never be excused (use fear rather than pain)
Noble Cause Corruption - Taints us “I am entirely justified in my means because my end was noble” or “I’m damned if I do and damned if I don’t, so it makes no difference” Arrogance, cowardice
Ramifications Once we go beyond the law for a noble purpose, we feel we have committed ourselves to legal means, as further extremes become natural. Deviate from our basic, moral and fundamental principles
Excusable Wrongdoing -Should we consider well-intentioned and remorseful wrongdoing in terrible hard cases to be excusable?
Dirty Harry Syndrome Dirty Harry -We want officers who are morally courageous and sensitive -Can’t allow moral outrage to blind us to facts -No more mark of courage than calling on interrogation experts and deferring to higher authorities are marks of cowardice or insensitivity - Trying to fill purposes of law enforcement within limits of the law takes as much courage as any other course
Ethical Dilemmas – From CSPD Gun into Evidence Incident Dating a Gang Banger Incident Deadly Force - Domestic
Television & Movies Do you think that Movies and/or TV impact the general publics perceptions about the use of force by police?
Television & Movies Role Models? True Reflection of Real Life?
Unethical Police Movies Training Day Prince of the City Serpico We Own the Night Bad Lieutenant The Changling Pride & Glory L.A. Confidential Untouchables
Unethical Police TV Shows NYPD Blue The Shield The Beast The Wire
Unit #6 – Project/Paper Scenario Analysis Write your paper – after reviewing the three (3) scenarios listed Answer the four (4) questions for each of the 3 scenarios. It should be a good project for each of you and help stimulate some good thought process.
Next Week – Unit #7 Chapter 15: Fatalism, Microcosms, and Therapeutic Reductions & Chapter 16: Ethical Ideals, Youth Violence, and Gang Enforcement
Everyone Have A Good Week!!