G RADUATES, C OMPLETERS AND D ROPOUTS L ISTS Elizabeth Guzman, PSA Lead Counselor Robert Madera, PSA Lead Counselor
B ACKGROUND All schools are accountable for ensuring students stay in school and progress toward meeting graduation or completion requirements. Key accountability indicator for high schools. District LCAP annual targets. Modified Consent Decree for student with disabilities(Graduation Rate/Completion Rate).
B ACKGROUND C ONT. Preliminary graduation rates for were published in November 2015 Schools have a final opportunity to correct exit information for the school year before the state calculates the official graduation and dropout rates Reference was ed to all PSA Counselors on December 3, 2015
D EADLINE January 22, 2016 Deadline to verify Graduate/Completer and Dropout list.
V ERIFY G RADUATE AND C OMPLETERS L IST Check list for completeness. Account for all graduates If there are discrepancies please correct the information Enter the correct withdrawal type and reason in MISIS Use the Withdrawal History screen under Enrollment Refer to (Attachment A) Secondary Withdrawal Types and Reason. Refer to MISIS Job Aid Edit a Withdrawal Record
V ERIFY G RADUATE AND C OMPLETERS L IST W ITHDRAWAL C ODES Students with or without disabilities meeting all graduation requirements, except CAHSEE, should be exited with leave code L7 and leave reason 90. Students with disabilities who did not meet graduation requirements for a high school diploma, but who meet requirements to earn a Certificate of Completion should be exited with the leave code L7 and leave reason 92.
S TUDENT C OUNTED AS D ROPOUTS ON PDL No Show Dropout : A student who completed the school year, but did not begin attending the next grade. Leaver Dropout : A student who was enrolled during the school year, left prior to completing the school year, is not subsequently enrolled in any other California public school by October 7, Lost Transfer Dropout : A student who was enrolled during the school year, was reported as transferring to another California public school but did not re-enroll in any California public school by October 7, Non-Graduate Dropout : A 12 th grade student who completed the school year and left the school without a completion leave reason (i.e., diploma, Certificate of Completion, GED/HiSET, CHSPE).
C LEARING D ROPOUTS L IST Information entered into MISIS to clear dropouts MUST be verified as accurate and supported by the required documentation (transcripts, court orders, records requests) Check with PSA or staff members to see if they have additional information. Check to see if there has been a request for records or transcript by a receiving school. Make contact with the family of student (home, work, & emergency numbers). Check if there is a PAL on file Check if the PAL has a receiving school or new address to make contact. Conduct a home visit Refer to Tips to Clear the Potential Dropout List & MISIS Job Aid Record Request
P ARENT A SSURANCE L ETTER (PAL) The Parent Assurance Letter is an affidavit which is signed by the parent/legal guardian of an LAUSD student declaring under penalty of perjury where the student is or where the student will be enrolling. A Parent Assurance Letter is considered adequate documentation. Parent Assurance Letter to be filed in a three ring binder which is kept in a confidential location in the attendance office. File the original letter in the student’s Cumulative Record File. A Parent Assurance Letter will not remove these students from the dropout list.
V ERIFIED E NROLLMENT : T RANSCRIPT R EQUEST P AGE If the student has been verified as enrolled at a school that has not requested records, enter the appropriate information on the Transcript Request page (under Academics) in MiSiS. Include the date of the contact, school name and city, and the name of the contact.
L OST T RANSFERS When a student cannot be located in another California public school by CDE. Ensure that the next California public school uses the correct Statewide Student Identifier (SSID) of the transferee. If the SSID is different, fax the discrepancy to School Information Branch at (213) Keep a copy in the student’s attendance folder.
W HAT W ITHDRAWAL T YPE & R EASON C ODE ? Student transferred to Salesian High School in Boyle Heights Student attending Trade Tech College leading to a AA or BA Student is in Juvenile Detention Student is in Adult Incarceration Student is working full-time and not enrolled in school Student moved to Utah
D ISCUSSION What is your school’s withdrawal policy? Who has access? Who has permission? What does the process look like at your school? What is your role in the process?
H ANDOUTS Reference Tips to Clear the Potential Dropout List MISIS Job Aids Automatic Withdrawal Report Record Request Withdraw a Student Edit a Withdrawal Record
The End