MT435 – OPERATIONS MANAGEMENT SEMINAR The Unit 3 Paper – Approach & Suggestions
ALBATROSS ANCHOR (Unit 3 Assignment) There are three major projects (Unit 3, 6, & 8) in MT435 - Operations Management. The same case study is used throughout. You cannot complete these assignments without accessing and studying the scenario To access the assignment information : 1.Click on the “Unit 3” link on the navigation bar. 2.From the list of icons that appear within the Unit 3 learning events click on the “Assignment” icon 3.You can access the scenario for the project two ways: a. Audiovisual presentation can be accessed by clicking on the “Case Study” icon. A pop-up box will appear (make sure your pop-up blocker is turned off) and a an auto visual presentation will load and begin. Make sure you turn your speakers up or listen carefully using headphones. b. Written information can be accessed b clicking in the “Instructions” icon. A.pdf file containing the scenario and the project instructions will be opened (you can save this file to your own computer for future use).
Click on Unit 3 Link to see these Icons Click Here These icons will appear
ALBATROSS ANCHOR (Unit 3 Assignment) USE THE MANDATORY TEMPLATE You must use the assignment template located within the classroom to complete this assignment. You can download the template either by clicking on the “Template” icon in the Unit 3 learning events or by downloading the template from the “DocSharing” tab. The file is titled “Unit 3 Assignment Template”. INSTRUCTIONS FOR COMPLETING THE TEMPLATE There are written instructions and visual guidelines for preparing the template under the “Instructions” icon.
ALBATROSS ANCHOR (Unit 3 Assignment) INTRODUCTION The introduction should be one or two paragraphs that introduce the purpose and intent of our paper. DO NOT copy the project instructions or the scenario into your paper. You may only paraphrase the scenario. QUESTION ONE The first question calls for you to discuss in, in detail, each of the items (cost, speed, flexibility, technology, capacity/facilities, service to customers) as they relate to the Albatross Anchor case study. Don’t simply “define” each item but discuss them in relationship to the information from within the case study as they directly relate to Albatross Anchor. You should have no trouble providing 3-4 full pages of response for question #1
ALBATROSS ANCHOR QUESTION TWO Question Two will require you to use simple math to address (answer) the questions asked. In question two you are asked to evaluate two processes based on “value” and “costs”. There are three parts to question two (a, b, and c). Question Two (a) calls for you to identify the FIXED COST PER ANCHOR for each process. Note that you are given the variable cost per anchor and the sales cost per anchor. You should easily be able to determine the fixed cost from this information. Question Two (b) calls for you to identify the TOTAL # OF ANCHORS NEEDED TO REACH BREAK-EVEN for each process. You cannot answer this question without first identifying the fixed cost per anchor for question two (a). Once you have this information you will note you also have the total fixed cost for each process. With these two pieces of information (fixed cost per anchor & total fixed cost) for each process you should be able to answer the question asked. Question Two (c) asks you to recommend one process for adoption. Select only one process and support your answer using the information from your answers in (a) and (b).
ALBATROSS ANCHOR (Unit 3 Assignment) CONCLUSION Don’t’ forget the conclusion. This should be a one or two paragraph “wrap-up” of the entire paper. RESEARCH & INCLUDE AT LEAST 3 ACADEMIC SOURCES (other than the textbook). Academic quality research sources include information from peer review journals or academic websites. DO NOT USE WIKIPEDIA, ASK.COM, ANSWERS.COM AS SOURCES REMEMBER TO USE APA FORMATTING (Citing & Referencing) If you aren’t sure about APA (which is the required format for all papers & projects at Kaplan) please spend some time in the Kaplan Writing Lab. Another good resource is the Perdue University online library. They have one of the best (and easiest to use) APA information websites. It can be accessed at: GRAMMAR & SPELLING should be perfect (we are, after all a senior level college class).
ALBATROSS ANCHOR (Unit 3 Assignment) QUESTIONS??? If you later find you have questions please don’t hesitate to contact me by . I promise to reply to any within 24 hours. However, if you wait until the day the assignment is due to ask a question you will likely not receive an answer until the next day. Plan your time so that you can ask questions, and get the answers you need, before the assignment deadline at the end of Unit 3.