SAND STONE SEDIMENTS By: Mara Guzman Geography 1000
WHAT IS SANDSTONE? A clastic sedimentary rock composed of sand-sized grains of mineral, rock or organic material.
THESE ARE SOME PARTICLES THAT MAKE UP SAND STONE Sand particles, mixed with cement-like minerals such as quartz and calcite, are compressed under great pressure over long periods of time they stick together to become stone. Quartz uartzo.jpg cle/stratification-and-segregation Sand Particles eo/clip stock- footage-sand-wind-blow- sand-particles-on-beach- gh.html Calcite u/index.php/en/ /calcite
HOW IS SAND STONE FORMED? After enough time goes by, the pressure pushes all of these elements together to create sandstone. Because not all sand is identical but instead comes in a variety of colors and grain textures, each formation has a unique appearance.
THE UNIQUE LAYERS OF SAND STONE Up close you can see the tiny particles that make up the sand stone. As the sand stone forms you see the layers forming. Kanab, Utah Photograph taken by : Sam Hansen 10/16/2015
SAND STONE HAS LINES THAT NEVER MEET AS IF THEY WERE TO BE ISOLINES Kanab, Utah Photographs taken by : Sam Hansen 10/16/2015
THE LAYERS OF SAND STONE IS AN EXAMPLE OF ISOLINES Kanab, Utah Photographs taken by : Sam Hansen 10/16/2015
USES OF SAND STONE Glass Making Paving Building Sand Construction Stone ockcycle/page3527.html
Fossils are commonly found in sandstone, making it useful for paleontologists as well. sandstone.html sandstone.html Kanab, Utah Photograph taken by : Sam Hansen 10/16/2015