Religion “a system of beliefs and practices that attempts to order life in terms of culturally perceived ultimate priorities.” - Stoddard and Prorak “perceived ultimate priorities” often translate into a list of things a follower “should” do and ways a follower “should” behave.
Religion lies at the heart of nationalism-e.g. Middle East, Northern Ireland, Bosnia, Kashmir, Afghanistan, etc. Religion in many non- western areas practically constitutes culture. Religious cultural landscapes-churches, temples, mosques, shrines, cemeteries, statues, veils, turbans, beards and scars
Key Characteristics of Religion Set of doctrines or beliefs relating to a god or gods. Structure or hierarchy of officials Rituals for: –Birth –Death –Reaching adulthood –Marriage –Prayer –Routine services on a Fri, Sat. or Sun.
Impact of religion- calendars, holidays, architecture, place names, slogans on coins or flags. A major forces in combating social ills and promoting –Education –Medicine and health care –The arts But also –Blocked scientific study –Oppressed dissidents –Supported imperialism –Kept women inferior
Religions are divided into Branches-a large and fundamental division within a religion-such as Catholic, Protestant and Orthodox branches of Christianity. Denomination-a division or a branch that unites a number of local congregations into a single administrative body- Baptist, Lutheran, Methodist denominations of Protestantism Sect-has several meanings- –A relatively small group that broke away from an bigger group or –An organized ecclesiastical body or –A dissenting or schismatic religious body or –A religious denomination-such as sects of Islam
Classifications of Religions Universalizing (Evangelical) religions – religions that actively seek converts because members believe they offer belief systems of universal appropriateness and appeal. Christianity/Islam/Buddhism Ethnic (Cultural) religions – religions whose adherents are born into the faith and whose members do not actively seek converts. Hinduism/Judaism
Classifications of Religions Monotheistic religions – worship a single deity. Polytheistic religions – worship more than one deity, even thousands. Animistic religions – belief that inanimate objects posses spirits and should be revered.
Religious Typology Monotheistic-belief in 1 god Polytheistic-belief in many Animistic-objects have spirits-trees, mountains, rivers Global or Universal-found all over the world-seek converts-aim to be universal
Religions of the World Shamanism – a community faith tradition in which people follow their shaman, a religious leader, teacher, healer, and visionary.
Shamanism & Traditional Religions Community faith and traditional religion which centers around a shaman- religious leader, healer, visionary. Small isolated groups in Africa, SE Asia, East Asia and Native America Traditional religions in Africa believe in a god creator and provider as well as spirits and an afterlife.
Sacred Sites and Pilgrimage Sacred Sites places or spaces people infuse with religious meaning. Pilgrimage purposeful travel to a religious site to pay respects or participate in a ritual at the site.
Religious Landscapes in the United States
Rise of Secularism Secularism –Secularism – indifference to or rejection of organized religious affiliations and ideas. - Where is secularism on the rise and why?
The Rise of Secularism World wide 4/6 billion adhere to a religion Separation of Church & State a new concept Today in the Developed World religion has declined in importance Secularism is most common in urban, industrialized nations Anti-religious ideologies like communism discouraged organized worship
Religious Fundamentalism & Extremism Religious fundamentalism – a return to the basics of their faith. found in Christianity, Judaism, and Islam Religious extremism – fundamentalism carried to the point of violence. found in Christianity, Judaism, and Islam
Islamic Extremists and Jihad Islamic Extremists and Jihad an Islamic holy war against the West
The End