First Aid Chapter 14 Bites and Stings
Animal Bites *1 In every 2 Americans will be bitten at some point by an animal. *Dogs are responsible for about 80% of all animal bites
Rabies *Virus found in warm blooded animals *Spreads though saliva (biting or licking)
Rabies 96% of all rabies infected animals are:
Rabies: Indications *Attacks unprovoked *Acts strangely (was friendly, now aggressive, was wild, now acts docile) *High risk species
Animal Bites: What to Do *Report animal bites to police or animal control officer
Animal Bites: What to Do *Family pet: confine and observe for 10 days *Stray dog or cat: will be killed and head submitted for testing *Dead animal: entire body sent for testing
Animal Bites: What to Do *High risk species bite: *Start treatment for rabies immediately
Animal Bites: What to Do *Clean wound with soap and water *Rinse with water under pressure *Control bleeding *SMA
Human Bites *Lots of bacteria in human mouth *Chance of infection is great
Human Bites: What to Do *Clean wound with soap & water *Rinse with water under pressure for 5 – 10 minutes *Control bleeding *Cover with dressing *SMA
Snake Bites *4 snakes in US are venomous: *Rattlesnake (65%) *Copperhead *Water Moccasin *Coral Snake
Water Moccasin (Cotton Mouth) Pit Viper
Copper Head Pit Viper
Rattle Snake Pit Viper
Coral Snake Milk Snake
Red on Black, venom lack Red on Yellow, you’re a dead fellow
Snake Bites: Pit Vipers *Severe burning pain at bite site *2 small puncture wounds *Swelling (within 5 minutes) *Discoloration and blood-filled blisters *N/V, sweating, weakness
Snake Bites: Pit vipers *Get away from snake! *Keep victim quiet *Avoid walking, moving if possible *Gently wash with soap and water *SMA immediately Elevate???
Snake Bites: Pit Vipers Keep track of venom spread
Snake Bites: Pit Vipers DO NOT: *Apply ice (frostbite) *“ Cut & Suck ” (not effective)
Snake Bites: Coral Snake *Most venomous snake in US *Rarely bites *Tends to bite and hang on
Snake Bites: Coral Snake *Get away from snake! *Keep victim quiet *Avoid walking, moving if possible *Gently wash with soap and water *SMA immediately
Snake Bites: Coral Snake *Apply mild pressure to bite area and entire extremity if possible using an elastic bandage
Snake Bites: Nonpoisonous *Gently wash with soap and water *Care for bite as you would a minor wound *SMA
Insect Stings *Anaphylactic shock: *Severe life threatening allergic reaction
Insect Stings *Bees leave their stinger behind. *Remove by scraping with hard object such as credit card.
Insect Stings *Wash sting with soap and water *Apply ice pack *A paste of baking soda and water can ease pain *Analgesic for pain *Observe for severe allergic reaction (30 minutes)
Spider Bites *Most are venomous but have hard time biting humans. (short fangs, weak jaw)
Black Widow *May not know bitten for minutes. *Dull numbing pain *Small fang marks (2 tiny red dots)
Black Widow *Muscle stiffness and cramps (depends on location of bite) *HA, chills, fever, sweating, dizziness, vomiting
Brown Recluse *Local reaction w/in 2-8 hours: *Severe pain, redness, swelling, itching at bite site. VIOLIN
Brown Recluse *Blister w/in hours. *Blister bursts, scab forms and falls off, leaving a small red crater. *Repeats over and over.
Brown Recluse *Fever, weakness, joint pain and rash, stomach cramps, N/V may occur
Spider Bites: What to Do *If possible confirm identity of spider *Clean bite with soap and water *Ice pack *Monitor ABCs *SMA immediately Black Widow: Anti-venom (used only for under 6 over 60) Brown Recluse: No anti-venom
Mosquito Bites *Carry many diseases: Malaria Yellow fever Encephalitis
Mosquito Bites: What to Do Clean site with soap & water Ice pack Use Calamine lotion Antihistamine prn
Ticks *Remove as soon as possible *Use tweezers if possible, grasp as close to skin as you can *Wash with soap & water *Disinfect withrubbing alcohol
Ticks *Ice pack *Calamine lotion *Watch bite site for one month. *If rash appears: SMA
Ticks: DO NOT *Use weird methods to remove (hot match, gasoline) *Grasp tick at rear of body.
Learning Activities Report animal bites to police or Animal Control Office. Yes Bites and Stings
Learning Activities Apply cold or ice to snake bite. No Bites and Stings
Learning Activities Use “ cut and suck ” for snake bite. No Bites and Stings
Learning Activities Cold or ice pack for insect sting or spider bite. Yes Bites and Stings
Learning Activities Epinephrine prn for life threatening allergic reaction. Yes Bites and Stings
Learning Activities Anti venom for Black widow. Not all victims need it. Yes Bites and Stings
Learning Activities Antihistamine or Cortisone for mosquito bites. Yes Bites and Stings
Learning Activities Hot match head or heated needle to remove tick. NO! Bites and Stings
Learning Activities Heavy oil or grease to remove tick. NO! Bites and Stings
Learning Activities 14 Scenerio: attacked by large dog.several bite marks on arms and legs. What to do? Confine animal Clean wound with soap and water Rinse with water under pressure Control bleeding SMA
Learning Activities 14 Get away from snake! Keep victim quiet Avoid walking, moving if possible Gently wash with soap and water SMA immediately Scenario: Snake bite. 2 puncture wounds on leg. What to do?
Learning Activities 14 Remove by scraping with hard object such as credit card. Administer epinephrine Wash with soap water, Ice Pack SMA Scenario: Bee Sting! Face swelling, tightness across chest. SOB. Medical alert tag for insect allergy. Has meds. Ice machine nearby. What to do?
Learning Activities 14 Clean bite with soap & water Ice pack Monitor ABCs SMA immediately Scenario: Outside. Sharp pin prick on arm. 15 minutes later, dull, numbing pain in back. 2 tiny red spots on arm. 1 hour later abd cramps that are getting worse. What to do?
Learning Activities 14 Remove with tweezers grasping as close to skin as you can Wash with soap & water Disinfect with rubbing alcohol Ice pack Watch bite site for one month. If rash appears: SMA Scenario: Co-worker returns from camping. Asks you to look at back of head. Tick embedded in scalp. What to do?