Argument Fallacies What’s wrong with your argument?
Fallacy of Anecdote An Anecdote is a story Some arguments are built by using one story as an example Does one example prove an argument? Does making one great catch mean A player is great?
Fallacy of Accident When an exception that disproves an argument should be ignored It is a crime to cut people Surgeons cut people Surgeons are criminals You Can See How This Doesn’t Add Up
Cherry Picking Fallacy or Card Stacking Fallacy When an argument only presents the information that supports the claim and ignores the information that refutes the claim Alberto walks into a town and the first ten people he sees are men He then assumes that there are only men in the town and no women
Appeal to Fear Fallacy When an argument is made to scare or worry the audience into believing it “You are either with us or you are with the terrorists”
Slippery Slope Fallacy Arguing that taking a small step will inevitably lead to many more steps in the same direction.
After This, Therefore Because of This Fallacy I drank water, then I got sick. Therefore The water made me sick I brought a map and then I got lost. Therefore I got lost because I brought a map
Circular Argument Fallacy This restates the argument instead of actually proving it. George Bush is a great communicator because he speaks effectively These mean the same thing Nothing has been proved