Music - Kenny G - Always Original Created for Dolly. Slide 29 added for Jennifer..
God is Always Faithful… He can be no other way because He is Love and Love always Protects, always Trusts, always Hopes, always Perseveres. Love never Fails. Deuteronomy 7:9 & 1 Corinthians 13
He always puts us first, He does not consider His own needs before ours or does He unfairly exploit us for His purposes even though they are always good… Instead He gives us free will to choose Him and His guidelines and then empowers and equips us to obey Him so we may know His Peace and Joy and have His Hope and Rest. God is always Faithful … Colossians 2: 8-13
God is always Faithful … He works all things for good when we Love Him. Then having been called by His foreknowledge of our heart’s Repentance… He keeps us in His care and moulds and shapes us into His being in Christ Jesus. Romans 8: 28-29
God is always Faithful … As our beloved Lord and Spiritual Husband He provides and cares for us. Ephesians 5:25-27
God is always Faithful … Nothing can separate us from His Love in Christ Jesus. Romans 8:37-39
God is always Faithful … As we seek to conform to His will He gives us the strength to do so and then we can receive fully His abundant Blessings. Romans 12:1-2 & 1 Peter 4:11
God is always Faithful … We are never alone in Christ Jesus we have His total Love and Care and never will He leave us. Hebrews 13:5-6 & 2 Timothy 2:11-13
God is always Faithful … We never have to wonder if God is for us, in Christ Jesus we will know without a doubt because He always keeps His promises. Hebrews 10: 23 & Romans 8:29-32
Many Blessings in your Marriage Jennifer… May it Always Sparkle in the Unity of Love as you both Blossom in The Lord.
God is always Faithful… And so are we in Christ Jesus… Because we can be no other way having chosen from our hearts His good will not our own He empowers us by The Holy Spirit so we can always be Faithful. 1 John 3: 9-10 Please Click To Exit. Thank you for watching and thank you Photographers for Letting God’s Beauty through your gift Blossom around the World.