RULER PENCIL RUBBER It’s a ____________. (click the image to go HOME)
PEN RUBBER PENCIL It’s a ____________. (click the image to go HOME)
PENCIL PEN GLOBE It’s a ____________. (click the image to go HOME)
FILE BOOK NOTEBOOK It’s a ____________. (click the image to go HOME)
MICROSCOPE CALCULATOR GLOBE It’s a ____________. (click the image to go HOME)
NOTEBOOK BOOK FILE It’s a ____________. (click the image to go HOME)
CALCULATOR GLOBE NOTEBOOK It’s a ____________. (click the image to go HOME)
SHARPENER PAPER CLIP PENCIL CASE It’s a ____________. (click the image to go HOME)
NOTEBOOKS MICROSCOPES PAPER CLIPS They’re ______________. (click the image to go HOME)
CHAIR FILE MICROSCOPE It’s a ______________. (click the image to go HOME)
MAP CHAIR DESK It’s a ____________. (click the image to go HOME)
BLACKBOARD DESK CHAIR It’s a ____________. (click the image to go HOME)
BLACKBOARD COMPUTER NOTEBOOK It’s a ____________. (click the image to go HOME)
BOOKCASE SCHOOLBAG BLACKBOARD It’s a ____________. (click the image to go HOME)
NOTEBOOK BOOK FILE It’s a ____________. (click the image to go HOME)