NY Jets player Sanchez showing grit as he is getting tackled but still trying to pass the football. I have a lot of Grit, because when I start something like soccer practice I don't stop giving it my all until the end no matter if I'm sick or if I'm hurt.
I have lots of Self-control, because I don’t get mad and start swinging for anything you have to hit where it hurts me the most in order for me to lose my self- discipline.
President Barack Obama smiling after a joke. I have humor in my life, because I like to smile and laugh at things and I like to make people smile and laugh when they are feeling down.
A cat showing bravery. I have Bravery, because I am not afraid to stand up for what I think is right.
I have Love of Learning, because I believe that in order for us to succeed in life and be somebody we need to learn, learn, and learn.
I can say that forgiveness is something I need to work on in my life, because when somebody harms you its not easy to forgive but that’s why time heals you and I plan to learn how to forgive.
I need to work on being more Open-minded in my life, because I'm the type that just jumps to conclusions with out looking at the facts.
I can say that I need a little bit more of curiosity in my life. Yes I am curious about some things but I want to be curious about more things than just some.
I need to work on Appreciation of Beauty, because life really is amazing and everything around is and all that mother nature does is very important in life.
Cristiano Ronaldo brags about how good he is and how he is a god when it comes to soccer. I have modesty, but I need to work on it a little more, because if somebody brags about something I always end up bragging about something too.