Competitive Sensitive 1 ROSES06/NSPIRES TUTORIAL James Green and Brenda Hanrahan Science Proposal Support Office March 15, 2006
Competitive Sensitive 2 Agenda 1:00 - 1:45 ROSES05-06 & NSPIRES - Jim 1:45 - 3:00 GSFC Template - Brenda
Competitive Sensitive 3 Outline How did we do in ROSES05? Changes from ROSES05 to ROSES06 NSPIRE Changes: –The good news –The bad to very bad news
Competitive Sensitive 4 ROSES FY05 Current Statistics ROSES05 had 58 calls with 18 completed Total submitted: 352 (PI: 318 and CoI: 34) –Current GSFC win/loss ratio: 28% (36/129) Percent of GSFC proposals to the total NASA awarded: 9% (36/398) Other important statistics: Number of proposals/scientist
Competitive Sensitive 5 Total # Proposals = 149 Proposals/Sci. = 0.70
Competitive Sensitive 6 Total # Proposals = 38 Proposals/Sci. = 0.43
Competitive Sensitive 7 Total # Proposals = 46 Proposals/Sci. = 0.58
Competitive Sensitive 8 Current Proposal Environment Number of opportunities is down –ROSES05: 58 and ROSES06: 51 Expect a 15% reduction in nearly all R&A funds –Effects on ROSES05 - fewer winners announced –ADMENDMENTS will be issued with either lower costs, fewer selections, or cancellations of NRAs –No cuts to R&As tied to MO&DA (ie: Heliophysics GI) –Fewer winners and tougher competitions There is plenty of room at the top for MORE winning GSFC proposals –Review process is reasonable and if we write an excellent proposal we will probably win –We have not saturated the system with excellent proposals
Competitive Sensitive 9 SPSO Support Red Teams (call Tim Eastman ) New activities: –Visualization Support - must be scheduled –Budget Support (TBD) - must be scheduled –Technical Editing (TBD) - must be scheduled Training: –Storyboarding, Setting up a Red Team, & Writing winning proposals –All have been posted on VSDE Potentially serve on Hq panels –SED will pay for travel expenses to review panel –Give to JLG: Name, Institution, Discipline-1, Discipline-2 WBS for writing proposals
Competitive Sensitive 10 Charging Your Time An SED policy for charging time in writing proposals is in review –Policy will provide detailed guidance on charging your time –Allowed time is based on total hours per proposal and the allotment of manpower received from the Center Use WBS –NASA Research Announcement: 60 hours –Other Agency Announcement: 40 hours –Broad Agency Announcement: 10 hours
Competitive Sensitive 11 ROSES 06 Opportunities
Competitive Sensitive 12 ROSES Overview ROSES 2006 was released Tuesday (1/24/06) –Has 51 proposal calls due from mid-April 2006 through February 2007 What do you need to get started: –Need an affiliated account on NSPIRES (~days) –Read and follow the NEW ROSES “Guidebook 2006” –Read and follow the “Clarifications to the Guidebook” –Read and note all the “AMENDMENTS” –Read and follow the individual program call
Competitive Sensitive 13 By Due Dates
Competitive Sensitive 14 NSPIRES System
Competitive Sensitive 15 NSPIRES Overview GSFC civil servants as PI must use NSPIRES to submit their proposals GSFC civil servants as CoI with University or other as PI may use –In my opinion is a little more difficult New NSPIRES budget section –It is more complicated and time consuming
Competitive Sensitive 16 New NSPIRES Budget Page “the budget module has been changed to make viewing and entering data easier.” From 9 to 27 screens for a 3yr budget!
Competitive Sensitive 17 Major Changes in NSPIRES The Good News! –Electronic submission required for all ROSES FY06 proposals –No hardcopy needed- NASA now accepts electronic signatures –Complete submission contains: NSPIRES generated Cover Page, Proposal, Budget Justification, Current & Pending, CVs, statements of Commitment, The Bad News! –NSPIRES will not let us submit late proposals - once the deadline has passed its over –Electronic submission are due to the submitting official 2 days prior to submission deadline - have to avoid crunch time!
Competitive Sensitive 18 “Crunch Time” Proposal submission can not be guaranteed the last few hours prior to a deadline Competing with everyone else in the country submitting late Submissions take from 5 to 30 minutes to complete Example: 5 NRA Due 6/2 –FY05 submitted 24 proposals –Minimum submission time is 2 hours! –It will be a competitive advantage to submit early
Competitive Sensitive 19 Changes in “Guidebook 2006” Everyone needs to register - including CoIs All proposals will be submitted electronically –No hardcopy needed (unless the NRA is changed) (Amendment #3) Submission contains three separate files (unless individual NRA says something different) –NSPIRES Cover sheets Generated by the submitting institution –Complete Proposal w/budget justification (you upload) –Detailed Budget Document (you upload) Includes you detailed GSFC and all CoI budgets All 3 files must be in character/searchable PDF
Competitive Sensitive 20 Character Searchable PDFs No problem for MACs; big problem for PCs MAC:From a complete Word file go to Print -> select PDF PC: Send your file to friend with a MAC or use Adobe Acrobat Budgets: –PI - “Cut” in Excel and a “paste” into Word then Print -> PDF –CoI - Request character searchable form from your CoI or you will have to retype it yourself! Test your PDF by using Adobe Reader or Preview
Competitive Sensitive 21 Changes in “Clarifications to the Guidebook” All statements of commitment should be included in the Proposal Document –This is in conflict with NSPIRE system –Guidebook always takes priority Cost sharing should be described in the Budget Justification Document
Competitive Sensitive 22 Proposal Submitting Process Upload all the proposal documents Hit “Release to Org” –This locks the proposal Submit package with route sheet Approved package/route sheet comes to submitting official for submission Submitting officials are: –James Green (6-7354) –Brenda Hanrahan (6-6169) –Bonnie Norris (6-4045) –Peter Hughes (6-2342) - 502
Competitive Sensitive 23 Final Comments Latest GSFC spreadsheet is on VSDE –Go to - –Apply for an account Group: ROSES NRA –Sign physical form Code 592: Chris Holtery (6-4455) Or contact me or Brenda