Status of the AP2 Optics Keith Gollwitzer Antiproton Source Department November 19, 2004
Purpose & Use of AP2 Transport of pbars from target-lens to Debuncher –Goal of transporting of 35 mm-mrad (norm. 330 mm-mrad) & P/P of ± 2.25% Many secondaries come out of the target and enter AP2 –Number of pbars for Run 2 is ~1e8 per stacking cycle –~1% of secondaries at the end of AP2 are the desired pbars
5 Year History of AP2 Optic Models Fermilab MAD for Console Application for beam line orbit corrections (1999) –Verification(?) when part of forward proton study of complete P1-P2-AP1-AP2 beam line Fermilab OptiM offline studies (2001-now) –Includes apertures and has been compared to older survey LBNL MAD studies ( ) –Alignment and chromatic effects on transport efficiency LBNL AT [Accelerator Toolbox] (2004) –Continuation of MAD studies and includes turns in Debuncher (in progress) Will not Cover today There have been no lattice meas. to verify these models
Current Lattice Functions Target Station & Lens Left Bend Down Bend Injection
What to do about Lattice Previous slide showed an asymmetric lattice about the left bend including large horizontal This shutdown some rework of powering AP2 quads –Q724 will be powered (new supply) –Q725 moved from Q716 buss to own supply –Q702&703 shunts swapped with Q719&720 –Q728 shunt swapped with Q732 Change to new lattice after startup
Proposed Lattice Functions Target Station & Lens Left Bend Down Bend Injection
Beam Sizes for All of AP2
Beam Sizes for Upstream AP2 Dump & Shielding Perfect Alignment New Beam Stop
Beam Sizes for Left Bend of AP2
Beam Sizes for Downstream AP2 IBV1 V730 Injection Septum
A Look at Tracking MARS simulation to generate pbars from 120GeV protons striking the target –Since momentum spectrum is flat, can re-use particles by randomizing momentum OptiM does the Lithium lens focusing and multiple scattering as well as propagation and checking against apertures Tracking has been used to confirm “loss points” as well as optimize transport efficiency
Intensity and Momentum Spread while being tracked through AP2 MARS simulation of 120GeV protons on target & production of pbar secondaries Tracking by OptiM Initial beam spread of ±15%
AP2 Chromaticity Valeri performed studies a few years ago for Run 2 Upgrade Plan and a quick look recently –Originally optimize for current power circuits; now have plan with minimal changes noted before –Noticed chromatic effect that appears to decrease transport efficiency by ~10% –Believe can recover half of the losses(?) LBNL is studying and we will in the near future
+2% pbars {x,y} position coming out of Lens, no angle Big symbols are where the set of different momenta particles started out of Lens Small symbols is position distribution coming out of Injection Septum in Debuncher
Ideal to add sextuple in dispersion regions – No space Alternative is to add sextuple component to existing quadruples –Modeling in progress –Power each half of quad separately Beside sextuple will also have dipole kick Will have to rotate quads in horizontal dispersion regions Chromatic Solution(?)
Status Repository has OptiM August04 lattice Need to update apertures Need to update circuits –Change excitation once new lattice is applied Compare laser tracker component positioning with model once survey data are available Verify models with lattice measurements –New BPM system to be available in the next few months