December 6, 2009 Prayer Requests for International missionaries Steve and Mary Waechter and their family. 1. That they will live Christ-like lives daily. 2. That Steve will model for his students what it means to be a student of the Bible and a pastor of God’s people. 3. That Mary will have wisdom and patience for teaching fifth and sixth grade students, many of whom are Koreans living in a Spanish-speaking country and attending an English-speaking school. 4. That their son will be able to share the Gospel with many friends in their neighborhood. 5. That their two adult daughters living in Oklahoma will continue to grow in Christ- likeness and service to the Lord Missionary Prayer Guide
December 13, 2009 Prayer Requests for International missionaries Jim and Charlotte Whitley and their children. 1. For Brazilian Baptist churches to see the need to reach the Rroma and Calon people and call out believers to work with them. 2. For opportunities to train leaders to work among the Rroma. 3. For God’s vision for an indigenous model for the Rroma and Calon. 4. For “persons of peace” within the communities and an open door for the Gospel. 5. For safety and protection as they travel Missionary Prayer Guide
December 20, 2009 Prayer Requests for International missionaries Steve and Susan Roach and their children. 1. For the development of leadership among the masses of non-literate people. 2. For God to continue to supply laborers for the Harvest. 3. For the partnership churches as they focus on leadership training and discipleship in this difficult cross-cultural context. 4. For God to mature and grow Bambara believers and use them to start new churches in new villages. 5. For the people’s hearts to remain open and that God would give them an understanding of the Gospel message Missionary Prayer Guide
December 27, 2009 Prayer Requests for International missionary Diane Inmann (not her real name). 1. That she will continue to have a servant heart to help others with their needs. 2. For safe travel around South Asia. 3. For her to learn Hindi to communicate Jesus with Indian neighbors. 4. That God will put people in her path who need to hear about Jesus. 5. That her walk with the Lord will be sweeter each day Missionary Prayer Guide