2011 State Camp Rule 6 Kicking the Ball, Touchback and Fair Catch Orin Robinson, Instructor Larry Smith, Instructor Don Widner, Author
Section 1: The Kickoff And Other Free Kicks Art. 1 – Free kick lines are always 10 yards apart.
K’s Free Kick Line R’s Free Kick Line Kick Off Neutral Zone
K’s Free Kick Line R’s Free Kick Line Free Kick after safety Neutral Zone
K’s Free Kick Line R’s Free Kick Line Free Kick After Fair Catch Or Awarded Fair Catch Neutral Zone
Art. 2 – A free kick shall be made from any point between the inbounds lines and on K’s free-kick line.
K’s Free Kick Line Free Kick
Art. 3 – No player, other than the kicker and the holder, may be beyond his free kick line.
K’s Free Kick Line R’s Free Kick Line Kick Off No player, other than the kicker and the holder
Art. 4 – Any receiver may catch or recover a free kick. Art. 5 – If any kicker recovers or catches a free kick, the ball becomes dead. Art. 6 – If any kicker touches a free kick before it crosses R’s free-kick line and before it is touched there by any R player, it is referred to as “first touching of the kick”.
K’s Free Kick Line R’s Free Kick Line Kick Off “First Touching of the Kick”
Art. 7 – A free kick is not repeated unless… a. A foul occurs prior to a change of possession and the penalty acceptance requires a replay of the down. b. There is a double foul. c. There is an inadvertent whistle during the down.
Art. 8 – A free kick shall not be kicked out of bounds between the goal lines untouched by R. If it is, R has the following choices: a. Accept a 5-yard penalty from the previous spot and have K rekick. b. Put the ball in play at the inbounds spot 25 yards beyond the previous spot. c. Decline the penalty and put the ball in play at the inbounds spot. Art. 9 – If a free kick goes out of bounds between the goal lines touched by R, the ball is put in play by R at the inbounds spot.
Section 2: Scrimmage kicks Art 1- K may punt drop kick or place kick from in or behind neutral zone before team possession has changed. Art 2- Any receiver may catch or recover… Art 3- Any kicker may catch or recover in or behind neutral zone and advance, unless during try… Art 4- Any kicker may catch or recover a scrimmage kick beyond the neutral zone or expanded zone provided it has been touched by a receiver who is clearly beyond the zone… Art 5: First touching and spot of first touching…
Art. 6 – The touching of a low scrimmage kick by any player is ignored if touching is in or behind the expanded neutral zone. The neutral zone shall not expand into the end zone. Art. 7 – Ball kicked out of bounds between goal lines, dead with no possession or joint possession belongs to R at spot.
Section 3: Touchback Art 1- It is a touchback if any free kick or scrimmage kick which is not a scoring attempt breaks receivers goal line plane…
Roughing Rougher kicker, holder and snapper…
Illegal Batting Scrimmage kicks may only be batted by the kicking team towards its own goal line.
Try For Points Try is over when it is obvious the kick is not good.
Table 6-4 Result of Activities during Scrimmage Kicks and Free Kicks Scrimmage KickFree Kick Kick recovered beyond the neutral zone may be advanced only by R. Kick recovered in or behind the neutral zone may be advanced by either team. Kick not recovered by either team belongs to R. Kick jointly recovered by R and K belongs to R. A kickoff including the kick following a safety, cannot score a field goal. Kick following a fair catch or awarded fair catch may score a field goal. Kick may not be advanced by K. Kick not recovered by either team belongs to R. Kick jointly recovered by R and K belongs to R. NOTE: K is in team possession during a kick. A kick ends when a player gains possession or when the ball becomes dead by rule. R gains possession of the ball when a player of R catches or recovers the live ball. IF THE KICK BECOMES DEAD IN R’S END ZONE Touchback in all cases unless a field goal is scored. IF THE KICK BECOMES DEAD IN K’S END ZONE If the force is: The kick or any other new force by K. A new force by R. Then the ruling is: Safety, if the kick is out of bounds or K has possession, including when the ball is loose or Touchdown if R is in possession. Touchback, if the kick is out of bounds, or K has possession, including when the ball is loose, or Touchdown if R is in possession
Summary of Positions for a Crew of 7 Referee/Umpire, Linesman and Line Judge Alabama High School Athletic Association January 2010 Situation/ResponsibilityReferee/UmpireLinesmanLine Judge Kick OffSame as a Crew of 6 Obvious Short Kick Off (On side kick)Same as a Crew of 6 20 yard line on the press box side Scrimmage DownsSame as a Crew of 6 Scrimmage Downs inside the 10 yard lineSame as a Crew of 6 Scrimmage Kick (punts)Same as a Crew of 6 Field Goals and TriesSame as a Crew of 6 Game and play timingSame as a Crew of 6
Summary of Positions for a Crew of 7 Back Judge, Field Judge and Side Judge Alabama High School Athletic Association January 2010 Situation/ResponsibilityBack JudgeField JudgeSide Judge Kick OffKicker’s free kick line press box side of field Receiver's free kick line on the press box side Kicker's free kick line opposite the press box Obvious Short Kick Off (On side kick) Kicker’s free kick line press box side of the field Receiver's free kick line on the press box side Kicker's free kick line opposite the press box Scrimmage Downs5 yards behind Field/Side Judge, generally center of the field - adjust as needed 15 to 20 yards from the LOS, on the sideline, even with Side Judge 15 to 20 yards from the LOS, on the sideline, even with Field Judge Scrimmage Downs inside the 10 yard line On the back line, generally center of the field - adjust as needed Outside the back line/side line pylon Scrimmage Kick (punts)5 yards behind the receiver, generally center of the field - adjust as needed 5 yards in front of deepest receiver, on the sideline, even with the Side Judge Field Goals and TriesBehind the goal upright opposite the press box. Responsible for his upright and crossbar rulings. Behind the goal upright on the press box side. Responsible for his upright. Position as a second umpire side of the formation opposite the press box. Game and play timingResponsible for the accuracy of the 25 second clock Responsible for the accuracy of the game clock and all game timing situations (time outs, following scores, media time outs) Play clock violations.
Alabama High School Athletic Association Positions During Kickoffs Crew of R R LJ L L BJ FJ SJ Press Box U U
Alabama High School Athletic Association Positions During Obviously Short Kickoffs Crew of R R LJ L L U U FJ SJ Press Box BJ
Alabama High School Athletic Association Basic Positions For Punts Crew of R R LJ L L U U FJ SJ Press Box BJ
Alabama High School Athletic Association Basic Positions For Kick Tries and Field Goals Crew of R R LJ L L U U FJ SJ Press Box BJ
Numbering Exception On first second or third down On fourth down or during kick try
Snapper Protection How long does snapper have protection?