Terry Welsh, M.D. Chairperson Banning Ranch Park and Preserve Task Force
number of homes Crystal Cove 900 acres
number of homes Crystal Cove 900 acres 600 homes
number of homes Crystal Cove Bolsa Chica 900 acres 600 homes 1700 acres
number of homes Crystal Cove Bolsa Chica 900 acres 600 homes 1700 acres 380 homes
number of homes Crystal Cove Bolsa Chica Banning Ranch 900 acres 600 homes 1700 acres 380 homes 401 acres
number of homes Crystal Cove Bolsa Chica Banning Ranch 900 acres 600 homes 1700 acres 380 homes 401 acres 1175 homes
…Commission staff has concluded that the proposed project is inconsistent with Coastal Act Sections 30240, 30233, 30231, 30253, 30210, 30251… …the project’s consistency with 30252, and cannot be determined based on the information provided.
NBR proposes comprehensive oil field cleanup on 384 acres of the 401-acre site and complete remediation of the affected soils at a cost to the owner of $30 million.
DOGGR regulations call for an abandoned oil well site to be returned to, “…as near a natural state as practicable.” State of California Code of Regulations, Title 14, Division 2, California Department of Conservation, Division of Oil, Gas and Geothermal Resources (DOGGR) Chapter 4, Subchapter 2, Article 3, Section 1776
North- South arroyo
1938 aerial showing North South arroyo
Various topographical maps depict the North-South arroyo as a drainage
From applicant’s vegetation map: Mixture of disturbed vegetation, along with Brittle Bush scrub, Quailbush scrub, Coastal Prickly Pear scrub and Menzie’s Golden Bush scrub
= nesting gnatcatcher pair
= nesting gnatcatcher pair = nesting cactus wren pair
= nesting gnatcatcher pair = nesting cactus wren pair = vernal pool
“Burrow Placement” for crushed concrete, crushed asphalt, and treated soil.
abandonmentApplicant’s proposed “Oil Field Clean Up” 114 active/idle wells85 active/idle wells
abandonmentApplicant’s proposed “Oil Field Clean Up” 114 active/idle wells85 active/idle wells 4560 cubic yards of soil
abandonmentApplicant’s proposed “Oil Field Clean Up” 114 active/idle wells85 active/idle wells 4560 cubic yards of soil50,000 – 70,000 cubic yards of soil
abandonmentApplicant’s proposed “Oil Field Clean Up” 114 active/idle wells85 active/idle wells 4560 cubic yards of soil50,000 – 70,000 cubic yards of soil Applicant’s proposed “Oil Field Clean Up,” which involves fewer wells than the 1994 – 1996 abandonment, calls for 10x – 15x as much soil movement.
1994 – 1996 Abandonment 114 Wells Abandoned 104 (91%) clean enough for open space purposes (<1000 ppm hydrocarbons) 68 (60%) clean enough for residential purposes (<100 ppm hydrocarbons)
South Mesa in February 2015
California Brittle Bush growing back since mowing stopped
Conclusion: We can do so much better! Please support staff’s recommendation for denial