Sensor Based Technologies in Mexico CIMMYT (Dr. Ivan Ortiz-Monasterio ) Oklahoma State University (Yumiko Kanke)
Ciudad Obregon, Mexico Since 1995, OSU visit CYMMYT more than 7 times
Percentage Nitrogen Recovery in Wheat in the Yaqui Valley (average of 30 fields) Losses Recovery by the plant
Beman et al Nature 434:
Costs of Production Wheat Cycle Soil preparation$1,01210% Planting$7658% Fertilization$2,89129% Irrigation and Drainage$1,47215% Pest control$2,17422% Harvesting$1,10711% Other$5385% Total$10,082*100% *Does not include interest Source: AOASS 2007
Costs of Production Wheat Cycle Soil preparation$1,47010% Planting$1,46110% Fertilization$5,26437% Irrigation and Drainage$1,79513% Pest control$2,34516% Harvesting$1,3209% Other$7205% Total$14,376*100% *Does not include interests Source: AOASS 2008
Main problems associated with Low efficiency are: Rate and Timing What is Optimum Rate? How Do You Decide?
Soil residual nitrogen in Farmers’ Fields in the Yaqui Valley Crop cycle Farmers’ Fields soil Available soil N 150 Kg N/ ha
Sensor Technology GreenSeeker Diagnostic tool that allows you to identify the optimum N rate for each individual farmer’s field
Technology Components 1. Establishment of an N rich strip 2. NDVI reading in the N rich strip and farmer’s field 3. Use of a crop algorithm to derive N recommendations
1. Establishment of the N Rich Strip A N Rich Strip (reference strip) per 20 ha Uniformity in soil texture Same previous crop management Same Variety Same planting data Pre-plant Fertilization Farmers Fields to 400 kg urea N Rich Strip ---- Non limited
N Rich Strip 20 has 10 meters Apply pre-plant or at planting
2. NDVI reading in the N rich strip and the farmer’s field Measurement: As close as possible to the first post plant irrigation but 40 days after planting.
3. Use of the Crop Algorithm to derive a N recommendation
Training Course Oct, Nov, Jan, 2007
Conventional N Management Urea or Anhydrous Ammonia 180 kg N /ha Pre-plant
Anhydrous Ammonia 70 kg N /ha First post-plant irrigation days after planting Conventional N Rate Total 250 kgN/ha
Results from the readings and recommendations % FIELDSRECOMMENDATION 66NO NITROGEN APPLICATION 12Apply Units of Nitrógen 12Apply Units of Nitrogen 4.4Apply Units of Nitrogen 2.6Apply Units of Nitrogen 3Out of the program **Only farmers that were going to receive a price premium for protein applied 30 units of N with the second post plant irrigation. Potential to Save more Nitrogen
N Rich Strip Farmer Management Sensor Management 37 fields Sensor vs Conventional
N Rich Strip Sensor Management Sensor Management 49 fields Sensor vs N Rich Strip
Wheat and Nitrogen Price Wheat 2,200 peso/ton (about 220 dollars/ton) October 27, 2005 Tepeyac: Urea 4137 pesos/ton : 9.00 pesos/kg (90 cents) NH pesos/ton : 8.60 pesos/kg (86 cents)
GREENSEEKER SENSOR PROGRAM EVALUATIONS 86 FIELDS harvested and evaluated 37 FIELDS N management Conventional vs. Sensor 34 FIELDS (92%) average aditional income $57/ha, with the GreenSeeker Sensor 3 FIELDS (8%) in favor of the farmer’s management 49 FIELDS N Management N rich strip vs. Sensor 90% sensor management earned $77/ha more than the N rich strip 4 FIELDS in favor of The N rich strip. 92% Reliable
farmer 37 farmers Sensor vs Conventional Wheat yield (kg/ha) Difference 63 kg N/ha Saving $ 57/ ha
49 Sensor vs N Rich Strip Wheat yield (kg/ha) Difference 86kgN/ha Saving $77/ha
278 kgN/ha 191 kgN/ha 171 kgN/ha Wheat Yield (kg/ha) N richArea Sensor 1 Area Sensor 2 Average Yield Fertilizer Rate $ 99 US Increased income
GreenSeeker Program # YearsYear# FieldsHectares Increase in Income /ha (USD) Technology Transfer in the Yaqui Valley
CONCLUSSIONS by Dr. Ivan The GreenSeeker sensor is a very reliable nitrogen diagnostic tool, which allows farmers to have higher income and minimizes environmental impact in Mexico
CALIBRATION (Algorithm Development)
N rate experiment Area with farmer basal N application and diagnosed with the sensor N Rich Strip VALIDATION Optimum Field Size Sensing Time