Supreeya Wongtra-ngan, MD,MHPEd What is it?
Student evaluation: what for 1. Incentive to learn (motivation) 2. Feedback to student 3. Modification of learning activities 4. Selection of students 5. Success or failure 6. Feedback to teacher 7. School public relations 8. Protection of society S= summative, F= formative, S&F = both
Stage of Assessment Prerequisite level testing Pre-testing Interval testing Pre-final feedback comprehensive testing “ Subjective ” impression Final testing Safety(re-evaluation) testing Follow-up testing
Continuous evaluation Formative evaluation Or Diagnostic evaluation Summative evaluation Or Certifying evaluation
Continuous evaluation
Formative Evaluation Is a method of judging the worth of a program while the program activities are forming or happening. Focus on process Bhola, 1990
Student evaluation Formative Process focused Assess students through the course Collecting information to give feedback Determine corrections and alternations to improve program Determine the nature and extent of the required final assessment Summative Outcome driven End of program or predetermined time Determine student achievement Determine the worth of program (original objectives are met)
Benefits of Formative Identify student ’ s strength and weakness Help student develop under non- judgmental and non-threatening conditions Enhance student learning Promote self-evaluation skills Evaluate and modify course and teaching
Disadvantage of Summative Not all students perform to their full potential under exam condition Previous test influence a teacher appraisal of current ability and self expectation Extrinsic rewards, competition
Guideline for implementing Formative Assessment Voluntary, frequently Provide throughout the period of instruction Identical or similar to summative instruments Broadly sample knowledge and skills tested at summative Followed by feedback and remedy Student-directed study, suggested reading Formal,faculty-directed
Student evaluation Its main aim is to inform the student on his progress Preserve anonymity Enables the teacher to decide to replace one program by another Justifies the decision to let a student move up to another level Permit rank-ordering of students F F S&F S S= blue, F= pink, S&F = green
Potential drawbacks Students want to learn to pass the exam Time-wasting and inefficient 98% of 1 st yr Newcastle students declared extremely worthwhile Heavy demand on staff Self marking, access to model answers Difficulty in providing feedback
Good outcomes in summative assessment largely depend on the quality of formative assessment
Relationship between formative and summative Learning goals and objectives Formative assessment Identify the strength and weakness Suggest and implement remedial measures Work towards achievement of the goals & obj Summative assessment to judge whether the original goals & obj are met
Formative instruments Any test Observation Classroom discussion Analysis student work : homework,tests Portfolio (collections of student work) Self evaluation Peer evaluation
Is it worth doing? Little data published Encourage to adopt “ deep ” approach learning Shifting teacher thinking: system of marking,grading or ranking supporting students and assisting them to defined their own learning needs
Student evaluation: what for 1. Incentive to learn 2. Feedback to student 3. Modification of learning activities 4. Selection of students 5. Success or failure 6. Feedback to teacher 7. School public relations 8. Protection of society S&F S S S S= blue, F= pink, S&F = green
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