Teacher notes – evaluation Possible teaching/discussion point e.g. These question are asked to encourage the pupils reflective and projective evaluation skills i.e.” what did you learn and what are your future tasks for learning?” These evaluation skills are further developed in the identification of the weakness of the product, and how it could be improved. Background –Evaluation skills are key to any effective designer. Possible teaching/discussion point e.g. pupils ca work individually or in pairs using key words to prompt their thinking. We have attempted to relate the evaluation back to the task, by asking about its suitability to sell in a high street store. Also relating back to the given task, is a question referring to how well they have achieved one of the specification points which was to develop an innovative decorative feature or logo.
Background – We have noticed an improvement in pupils work in this aspect since we have taught this digitally. They seem to take on board the concept very quickly, possibly as the task is explained to them visually. Possible teaching/discussion point e.g. Pupils are asked to draw their finished product using a CAD drawing or a rendered line-drawing. Looking back at their comments they have made in the written evaluation, and visually convey the changes they would make with supporting annotation.. Background –Pupils seem to enjoy this task and complete it to a pleasing standard, the digital explanation helps as does the word bank on the side of the page. Again this is a task that pupils who have finished their practical work can complete if the task is left on the screen or on a loop sequence.
Background – We have noticed an improvement in pupils work in this aspect since we have taught this digitally. They seem to take on board the concept very quickly, possibly as the task is explained to them visually. Possible teaching/discussion point e.g. Pupils are asked to draw their finished product using a CAD drawing or a rendered line-drawing. Looking back at their comments they have made in the written evaluation, and visually convey the changes they would make with supporting annotation..