Examples of Greek and Roman Architecture To accompany the resource packet, Exploring Classical Art at the MFA: Echoes of Antiquity - Architecture
Examples of Greek Architecture
Aerial view of the Acropolis in Athens (Present-day remains)
A Reconstruction of the Ancient Acropolis (from the New World Encyclopedia Website)
Parthenon Temple of Athena Nike Erechtheoin A Reconstruction of the Ancient Acropolis (from the Michael Lahana’s Webpage on the Parthenon: http://www.mlahanas.de/Greeks/Arts/Parthenon.htm)
The Parthenon on the Acropolis Athens, Greece (from the website, www.tlc.howstuffworks.com) The Parthenon on the Acropolis Athens, Greece (from Michael Lahana’s Webpage on the Parthenon)
Erechtheion on the Acropolis Athens, Greece (from the Wikipedia Article, “Erechtheion”) (from John Baez’s webpage at www.math.ucr.edu) Erechtheion on the Acropolis Athens, Greece (from the Classics Dept. website at www.utexas.edu)
Temple of Athena Nike on the Acropolis Athens, Greece (from the website www.history.com) (from the website www.sacred-destinations.com)
Examples of Roman Architecture
Arch of Constantine Rome (from the Wikipedia article, “Arch of Constantine”) Arch of Constantine Rome (from the website www.karenswhimsy.com)
The Colosseum Rome (from the Wikipedia Article, “Colosseum in Rome, Italy”)
Pantheon Rome (from the Wikipedia Article, “Pantheon, Rome”)