Arch 350: Architecture of the Ancient World Review for Test 2
Doric Ionic Corinthian
Architrave Capital Pediment Stereobate Stylobate Arris Flute Abacus Echinus Metope Triglyph Cornice Frieze Shaft Doric Order Column Entablature
Parthenon, Athens CellaPeristyle (8 x 17) OpisthodomePorch
Ionic from Asia MinorIonic from near Athens Frieze Architrave Capital Base Shaft Volute Cornice Dentil Flute Fillet Pediment Column Entablature Steps
Temple of Athena Nike The Propylaia The Erectheion The Parthenon The Acropolis in Athens
Theater of Marcellus Baths of Trajan Colloseum Circus Maximus Baths of Caracalla Rome, major monuments
Roman Forum Curia Temple of Concordia Augusta Arch of Septimus SeverusHouse of the Vestals Basilica of Maxentius and Constantine
Forum of Augustus Imperial Forums Forum of Trajan Column of Trajan Basilica Ulpia Forum of Caesar Temple of Mars Ultor Temple of Venus Genetrix
SquinchPendentive Squinch and Pendentive systems for supporting a dome