The Parthenon By Hannah Cooper
Location The Parthenon was built in Athens, Greece, on top of the Acropolis. Work on it began in 447 BC and ended in 432 BC There are still ruins of the Parthenon, and some statues from it (such as the Elgian Marbles in the British Museum) are in museums around the world.
Purpose The Parthenon was built by the people of the city of Athens, Greece. The Parthenon was built as a temple to Athena, who was considered the patron goddess of Athens. The Parthenon was used as a temple, a treasury, and later converted to a Christian Church and dedicated to the Virgin Mary.
Uniqueness One thing that makes this structure unique is that parts of it still remain. It is a huge symbol of Western Civilization and culture. It took from 447 BC to 432 BC to built the Parthenon (fifteen years). It was made mainly of limestone and marble.
Ancient Foresight The Parthenon was a big architectural phenomenon and is still a famous tourist sight. Some of the ways it was structured have been copied. It is one of the seven 7 Ancient Wonders of the World
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