The Nexus of Technology and Payment Reform Greater Cincinnati as a Proving Ground for Healthcare Quality and Innovation 2013 Meaningful Use Conference April 26, 2013
To get us started… 1.A report from the Nation’s capitol 2.The Triple Aim 3.The policy framework 4.The work underway in Greater Cincinnati
4 The Triple Aim
5 Better care for individuals, better health for populations, and lower per-capita costs.
Policy Framework
HITECH HITECH established the Meaningful Use EHR certification and incentive program. HITECH also accelerated critical national technology priorities including: Standards and Interoperability Quality Data Reporting Regional Extension Centers, Workforce Training, etc.
Affordable Care Act ACA established the CMS Center for Medicaid and Medicare Innovation. ACA established new payment models including: Accountable Care Organizations Patient Centered Medical Homes Bundled Payments Others ACA enables transition from fee-for-service to value- based purchasing.
Data for Improvement Care Data ProvidersPurchasers Consumers Regulators Motivation Improvement Pathway Accountability Pathway
11 The Nation’s Chief Technology Officer, Todd Park, says Greater Cincinnati Tri- State area is AWESOME!!
14 Qualified Entity
16 (Health IT + New Payment Models) + Leadership = Regional Healthcare Transformation
17 There’s no better place to lead a quality revolution than right here at home