The name given to the vast region that lies south of the United States. Latin America begins at the Rio Grande – the river that divides the United States and Mexico. Latin America extends to the southern tip of South America
Latin America covers 7.9 million square miles – about 16% of the earth’s surface It includes Mexico, the countries of Central America and South America, and the West Indies in the Caribbean Sea
High mountains can be found in much of Latin America Three mountain ranges run through Mexico and mountains run south through much of Central America Most of the islands in the Caribbean were created by volcanoes.
In South America, you will find the Andes Mountains – the longest mountain chain Volcanic activity and earthquakes are common in these mountainous areas of Latin America
Vast plains cover other areas of Latin America Plains are located along the coasts of Mexico and Central America. Broad inland plains can be found in parts of South America The two major plains include: Pampas in Argentina Illanos of Columbia and Venezuela
South America has five major rivers: Magdalena Orinoco Rio de la Plata Sao Francisco Amazon ▪ The longest river in the Western hemisphere (4,000 miles)
Mexico and Venezuela are among the world’s leading producers of oil and natural gas. Latin America in general is rich in natural resources such as copper, iron ore, silver, tin, lead, oil and natural gas. Rivers and waterfalls provide electric power to many countries Farmers use rich soil to grow grains, fruit and coffee
Most of Latin America lies in the tropics and has some form of tropical climate Elevation affects climate throughout the region Low elevations have hot and humid climates with tropical vegetation Higher elevations are cooler and milder Coffee, corn and wheat grow here
Rain forests cover lowland areas of Latin America Hot, rainy all the time Rain forests have more kinds of plants and animals than anywhere else on earth The largest tropical rain forest is located in Brazil around the Amazon basin Other rain forests grow along the eastern coast of Central America and in some of the Caribbean islands
Latin America’s economies are based partly on agriculture. Fertile soil and warm, wet climate allow farmers to grow tropical crops – coffee, bananas and sugarcane – in parts of the region The also use grassland to raise livestock Argentina, Mexico and Brazil are among the world’s leaders in cattle raising and meat production
Service industries and manufacturing have grown rapidly in Latin America Products such as cars, textiles, cement, chemicals and electrical goods are gaining popularity Some countries, however, lack the money, skilled labor and transportation systems needed to build industries. Rugged mountains and thick tropical vegetation provide physical barriers to movement
Latin America has 500 million people – 9% of the world’s population Most live along the coasts of South America or on a broad strip of land reaching from Mexico into Central America Many have moved from the country to the city – about 70% of the people are now city dwellers
Latin Americans include Native Americans, Europeans, Africans and Asians. All of these groups have influenced the culture of the region Native American peoples, such as the Maya, Aztec and Inca, had advanced civilizations long before Europeans arrived in the Americas During the 1500s, the Europeans enslaved and destroyed these civilizations
Spain and Portugal ruled most of Latin America from the 1500s to the early 1800s. They brought Roman Catholicism and their languages to the region The languages are based on Latin, thus the name “Latin America” Most Latin Americans are Roman Catholic
Many Latin American countries won their freedom in the early 1800s Wealthy landowners and military officials, however, controlled governments and often ignored the needs of poor farmers and workers By the mid-1900s, the rise of cities and industries challenged these leaders. New democratic governments emerged.