Market Systems Release Update Modifications Committee Meeting 52 December 5 th
SEM R2.3.0 was successfully deployed to schedule on November 15 th The table below outlines the scope of SEM R SEM R2.3.0 – Deployed Nov 15 th CR RefDescription SEM_PC_CR174MPI Dropdown values for a Trading Site SEM_PC_CR186Export Functionality in MA SEM_PC_CR265Settlements Task Functionality SEM_PC_CR310Run Cancellation Initialisation SEM_PC_CR312Run Cancellation Functionality SEM_PC_CR168Unnecessary File Import Type Selection SEM_PC_CR311VTOD Status Changes for Approval SEM_PC_CR294DDF Linked to System Type within POMAX file import SEM_PC_CR295Displaying UUC Penalty Costs in MA
Meeting of the Change Control Forum to propose a scope for the April 2014 release was held on October 23 rd, Regulatory approval was received on November 18 th and the approved scope was published to the industry on November 20 th. 3 SEM R2.4.0 – April 2014 SEM R2.4.0 Approved Scope CR RefDescription SEM_PC_CR271Automated FX download to the Central Market Systems SEM_PC_CR320Dispatch Instruction validation change SEM_PC_CR324Event warning for DAM event SEM_PC_CR292MDP dropdown in the MPI SEM_PC_CR226Pop-up reminder for digital certificate renewal SEM_PC_CR323Bad Debt Smearing Calculation SEM_PC_CR309Tax File Import SEM_PC_CR325Automated Data Imports SEM_PC_CR326Historical Process Warnings Total Vendor Effort: 2652 hours
The release cut-off date for the SEM R2.5.0 release is: Friday February 21 st, SEM R2.5.0 – October 2014
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