The skill of comparison involves two elements. They are to detect the similarities and differences in the sources. It involves studying the source content, tone and motive of the sources discussed. As in the skills of inference, understanding of the issue discussed is important. However, you need not cross-refer to contextual knowledge. Getting started Marking Types of comparison Techniques COMPARISON Getting StartedTypesMarking Techniques
SD triangle approach S D Source ASource BSource ASource B Similarity statement Difference statement Polar opposite Getting Started
E.g. 1: How similar are Sources A and B? E.g. 2: How different are Sources A and B? E.g. 3: To what extent are Sources A and B similar? E.g. 4: To what extent are Source A and B different? E.g. 5: How far is Source A similar to Source B? E.g. 6: How far is Source A different from Source B? Eg. 7: How are Source A and B similar? / How are Source A and Source B different? STANDARD COMPARISON Types
How different are Sources A and B about Liverpool Football Club? Explain your answer. Getting Started
Liverpool is no more and will never be a power house again. Its game is more effective than sleeping pills to cure your insomnia. The Liverpool fans cannot accept the fact that Liverpool is hopeless. It is true that Liverpool was once the most successful club. That was, however, as early as in Source AViews on Liverpool Football Club by a Manchester United fan Getting Started
Source BViews on Liverpool Football Club by a Liverpool fan We have won the English League more than any other clubs. Our game is interesting and we have a lot of supporters. Manchester United and Arsenal are also very good teams. They have done better than us recently. However, we will catch up with them. Getting Started
Using SD triangle approach S D Liverpool was successful in the past Whether Liverpool’s game is boring Source B Liverpool has won the English League more than any other clubs. This means that Liverpool has been successful Source A Liverpool was once the most successful club Source A Boring: Its game is more effective than sleeping pills to cure your insomnia. Source B Not boring: Our (Liverpool) game is interesting How different are Sources A and B about Liverpool Football Club? Explain your answer.
Using SD triangle approach S Liverpool was successful in the past Source B Liverpool has won the English League more than any other clubs Source A Liverpool was once the most successful club Both sources are similar in stating that Liverpool was successful in the past. Source A states, “Liverpool was once the most successful club.” Also, Source B states, “Liverpool has won the English League more than any other clubs.” This implies that Liverpool has been successful. Getting Started
Using SD triangle approach D Whether Liverpool’s game is boring Polar opposite Source A Boring: Its game is more effective than sleeping pills to cure your insomnia. Source B Not boring: Our (Liverpool) game is interesting Both sources differ on whether Liverpool’s game is boring. Source A says that Liverpool’s game is boring. It states, “Its game is more effective than sleeping pills to cure your insomnia.” However, Source B says that Liverpool’s game is not boring. It states, “Our (Liverpool) game is interesting.” Getting Started
Both sources are similar in stating that Liverpool was successful in the past. Source A states “Liverpool was once the most successful club.” Also, Source B states,“Liverpool has won the English League more than any other clubs.” This implies that Liverpool has been successful. Both sources differ on whether Liverpool’s game is boring. Source A says that Liverpool’s game is boring. It states, “Its game is more effective than sleeping pills to cure your insomnia.” However, Source B says that Liverpool’s game is not boring. It states, “Our (Liverpool) game is interesting.” Getting Started
e.g. positive towards _____ vs negative towards _____. one-sided / biased towards ___ vs balanced view on ______ NOTE: tone can be similar CANNOT BE USED FOR TONE: angry, happy (because we cannot hear / see the person) Tone Getting Started
Source B Balanced view on the Liverpool Football Club Polar opposite Source A Biased against the Liverpool Football Club Tone Source A is biased against the Liverpool Football Club. It only states negative aspects of the club. Source B, however, gives a balanced view of the Liverpool Football Club. It states that the club has been successful but also acknowledges that there are other clubs like Arsenal which are better. Getting Started