Be Prepared When studying, remember quality over quantity. Review and practice – forces recall and improves memory. Sleep! (especially right after reviewing)
Budget your Test Time Pace yourself. Aim for approximately 1 minute for each mark. Plan to leave time at the end to review your answers.
Short/Long Answers First Short/Long Answers First You don’t have to complete the test in order. Answer the easier questions/topics you know best first. Short/Long Answers are usually weighted higher and may require more time. Writing out answers may make it easier to recall related facts (and help in the multiple choice questions).
Read Questions Carefully Underline or highlight key words. Make note of the following: ◦ Negatives: not, incorrect, dis-, non-, un- ◦ Absolutes: always, all, never, every, only ◦ Qualifiers: usually, often, generally, frequently
When you don’t know? Don’t waste time on one question. Mark the question in the margin and move on. Return to marked items as time allows. Later information will sometimes help you to answer a skipped question.
Multiple Choice Tips Think of the answer before you read the options. Make sure you read all the options before choosing. Sometimes there will seem to be no correct answer or sometimes there will seem to be more than one correct answer.
M/C Tips: Recognize right one Look for the correct answer amongst the list of choices. e.g., What type of blood cell fights disease- causing viruses and bacteria? a.Red blood cell. b.White blood cell. c.Platelet. d.Erythrocyte.
M/C Tips: Process of Elimination Cross out answers that you know are wrong and choose from the remaining options. e.g., Which of the following organs have structures that increase surface area in order to improve absorption? a.Lungs and brain. b.Intestines and heart. c.Lungs and intestines. d.Heart and bladder.
M/C Tips: All of the above If you know two or three options seem correct, then “all of the above” is a strong possibility. e.g., What factors stimulate embryonic stem cells to specialize during development? a.Differences in the cytoplasm during division. b.Differences in nutrients and temperature. c.Substances released from nearby cells. d.All of the above.
M/C Tips: Echo options If two options are opposite to each other, chances are one of them is correct. e.g., In the flower, what is the function of the stigma? a.Receives pollen from pollinators. b.Releases pollen to pollinators. c.Produces the ovules. d.Stores nectar to attract pollinators.
Finally..... Check to be sure that all questions are answered. Don't leave any blanks unless there is a penalty for guessing. Check that your answers are in the correct place on any separate answer sheet. Stick with your first answer unless you recognize that it is clearly not correct – studies show that changed answers are more frequently wrong!