Lecture 1CS 380C 1 CS 380C Advanced Compiler Techniques Kathryn S McKinley The University of Texas at Austin
Lecture 1CS 380C 2 Overview Today –Course goals –Organization –A bit about me –A bit about you
Lecture 1CS 380C 3 Goals Intellectual development –Critical thinking about original source material –Software design and problem solving –Deep understanding of classical compiler analysis and optimizations –Appreciation for advanced static and dynamic analysis and optimization Practical –Improve implementation & writing skills
Lecture 1CS 380C 4 Course Structure Be on time Detailed semester schedule Reading preparation for every class –Book is optional Lecture notes available morning of class –Suggestion: print them out and take notes on them 10 written critiques 4 programming assignments
Lecture 1CS 380C 5 Critical Thinking Written critique: evaluate original sources Choose 10 of the 23 readings, turn in at beginning of class on assigned reading day No late critiques Grading: Most critiques will receive a 9 –7.5 for required sections (1.5 for each): summary, strengths, weaknesses, analysis discussion one, analysis discussion two. –.5 for grammar and spelling. –1 for clarity and grace, i.e., clear, well organized arguments in well organized paragraphs. (Style: The Basics of Clarity and Grace, Joseph M. Williams, 2nd Edition 2009.) –1 (bonus) for deep analysis and/or surprising me with a really interesting idea.
Lecture 1CS 380C 6 Problem Solving 4 programming assignments Small language –Arrays, scalars, simple data types, no pointers –Full compiler implementation experience 1.Translation from 3 address to C –Testing 2.Dataflow analysis and optimizations 3.Static Single Assignment and optimizations 4.Register allocation
Lecture 1CS 380C 7 Problem Solving I encourage pair programming Programming assignment due dates on schedule Late policy –7 slip days applied to programming assignments –4 days at most per assignment
Lecture 1CS 380C 8 Ethics and Grading Ethics –Your code is like your girl/boy friend… –Your writing is original. Never copy even a single sentence without attribution. Attribute ideas as well. Grading –5% - Attendance and class participation –20% - 10 Writing assignments Critiques of reading –75% - Programming assignments proposal, implementation, talk, final report
Lecture 1CS 380C 9 Overview Today –Course goals –Organization –Questions? –A bit about me –A bit about you
Lecture 1CS 380C 10 About me Love mathComputer Science Love boysUG Research Summer Marry Scotty 1985 Love researchRice PHd 1992 & FrancePost Doc, Ecole des Mines Asst Prof UMass 1993 Tenure 1999 Assoc Prof UT Austin 01 Full Prof UT Austin 05 PhD students 10 graduated, +2 this year Love boys Cooper 1995, Dylan 1998, Wyatt 2001
Lecture 1 About you Why are in you in graduate school? Why are you in optimizing compilers? CS 380C 11
Lecture 1CS 380C 12 Summary Today –Course organization Next Time –What’s a compiler? –How does it work? –Read Backus et al.