Welcome to Nursery Parents and Carers Meeting Monday 19 th October 2015
Today’s Meeting 1.The Nursery Staff Team 2.Our School Vision and Aims 3.What curriculum do you use? 4.Assessment & Planning 5.What do they do everyday? 6.Nursery Life 7.Parent Partnership 8.Questions
Who’s Who? Miss Tait Mrs King Mrs Maqsudi Mrs Howe Mrs Gill Mrs Telly Miss D’Onofrio
Our School Vision Mrs Morgan (Headteacher) Miss Gumbs (Deputy Head) 'Downe Manor, where everybody has the opportunity to be inspired to reach their full potential through memorable learning experiences.'
Our Aims For your child to be happy, safe settle happy, safe and settle into school life at Downe Manor School progresslearn through play To progress and learn through play within the Early Years Foundation Stage Curriculum needs unique To meet the needs of your unique child
The E.Y.F.S. is based on 4 themes:
The Characteristics of Effective Learning The Characteristics of Effective Learning Born Learners “Everyone is born with an intense drive to learn. Infants stretch their skills daily.” Carol Dweck (Mindset 2006)
Characteristics of Learning PLAYING AND EXPLORING- ENGAGEMENT Finding out and exploring Playing with what they know Being willing to ‘have a go’ ACTIVE LEARNING- MOTIVATION Being involved and concentrating Keeping trying Enjoying achieving what they set out to do CREATIING AND THINKING CRITICALLY- THINKING Having their own ideas Making links Choosing ways to do things How does your child learn?
What is the Early Years Foundation Stage? The (E.Y.F.S.) is the stage of Education for children from birth to the end of Reception (5yrs) children learn best It is based on the recognition that children learn best through play and active learning We use the Development Matters EYFS Curriculum Guidance to support our planning and provision
Seven Areas of Learning Key Prime Areas: Personal, Social and Emotional Development Physical Development Communication and Language Specific Areas: Literacy Mathematics Understanding the World Expressive Arts and Design
Essentials for Learning Your child has to be confident in their PRIME areas of learning before they can confidently access their specific areas of learning Let’s learn about the 7 areas of learning…
Personal, Social and Emotional Development Making Relationships Self-Confidence and Self-Awareness Managing Feelings and Behaviour The Thinking Planet
Physical Development Moving and Handling Health and Self-Care Funky Fingers Table
Communication and Language Listening and Attention Understanding Speaking
Literacy Reading Writing
Mathematics Number Shape, Space and Measure
Understanding the World People and Communities The World Technology
Expressive Arts and Design Exploring and Using Media and Materials Using Imagination I’m learning so much! Try not to worry about the washing. That’s easy for Miss Tait to say she isn’t doing the washing!
Assessment and Planning We have been finding out what the children already know and can do and use this information to help us develop an individual learning programme for each child.
What do they do everyday? Adult asks “What did you do at nursery today?” Child says “Played?”
What do we learn on a Monday?
What do we learn on a Tuesday?
What do we learn on a Wednesday?
What do we learn on a Thursday?
What do we learn on a Friday? Phonic Fairy
Nursery Life £1.50 voluntary donations half termly for play dough, cooking and healthy snacks Please try to be punctual. Inform the office/staff if someone else is collecting. Any sickness, diarrhoea, must be followed by 48 hrs absence.
Parent Partnership We really value all your support and contribution towards your child’s learning. We want to work with you to best meet the needs of your individual children. What is the Key Person Approach?
Every day your child needs to bring… A bag with a spare change of clothes and underwear A water bottle Wellies Water proof warm coat Please ensure all items are named with labels!
Parent Partnership After half term: Special Learning Journals Magic Marbles Self Register Buses Individual parent meetings- WB: Parent workshop's- Maths (Autumn 2) Parent visits
The End Thank you so much for coming! We value your support and partnership and look forward to you and your child’s Downe Manor Learning Journey experience together! Any Questions?