OUR PREDICTION & WHO WE ASKED We thought that favouritism is a negative thing and it exists in schools. We believe it should be eliminated from schools as it affects the environment in schools especially the relationship between students and teachers. We asked 20 different forms across the school, including different year groups. We asked only Girls We asked only Students IN OUR QUESTIONAIRE… We asked what people thought favouritism was in schools. We also asked if it affected them and if yes, then how. We brought up a scenario stating: If every pupil in the class was equally well behaved, do you think teachers would still have favourites? As well as this we asked who was responsible for a negative relationship between the teacher and a student. At the end, we asked if there were any ideas of how favouritism could be eliminated from school. LOs: We wanted to find out if Favouritism exists in schools and if it affected anyone. We wanted to know ways on how it could be eliminated. We mainly focused on the relationships between students and teachers and how favouritism affected that relationship. FAVOURITISM
OUR RESULTS… 91%... Of our sample said that they’ve experienced or seen Favouritism. This shows us that it does exist 46%... Of our sample said that favouritism didn’t affect them. This surprised us as we thought that majority of our sample would say that favouritism did affect them 71%... Of our sample said that teachers are responsible for a negative relationship between the teacher and a student. We feel like because of this, teachers should be aware that students feel like this and alter the way they approach relationships with students. 68%... Said Yes there would still be favourites. This really surprised us because we thought that people would think favouritism wouldn’t exist any longer as everyone would have a good/reasonable relationship with the teacher.
RESPONSES ON HOW FAVOURITISM AFFECTED STUDENTS… One pupil said “It annoys me how I get treated differently from others and makes me feel like: Why does this happen?” “It makes me feel uncomfortable and unhappy during lessons” “It made me angry and upset because I don’t get to show how good I am” “It made other students not like me” Another said: “I miss out on reading paragraphs in lessons or reading out a good piece of work I wrote. Also ignoring me when I have my Another said: “I miss out on reading paragraphs in lessons or reading out a good piece of work I wrote. Also ignoring me when I have my hand up. REASONS WHY PEOPLE SAID YES TO THE SCENARIO… One person said: “I think a teacher is always going to have a student they like more than others” Another person said: “Teachers will start to prefer someone’s personality to others” “This is because some people do better than others in certain subjects” and this relates to another person’s reason which was “Teachers mostly like pupils with good grades”
CONCLUSION We have found out that favouritism actually exists in schools and pupils gave us ideas of how to eliminate favouritism and how teachers can do certain things to help this not continue in schools. We have decided that we will give top tips to teachers to inform them. We hope that from our research, both children and teachers will understand how favouritism affects the class environment and a student’s relationship with their teacher. We hope that in the future, favouritism will not exist any longer!