Physics Exam – Format Section A – Experiments – 120 marks Answer 3 of 4 Section B – Theory Answer 5 of 8
Physics Exam – Timing
Section A Q1 – mechanics Q4 – electricity Usually 1 waves question Heat or second mechanics/waves question Usually two graphs total. What doesn’t come up here will probably come up in the theory section!
Section A Learn 3 precautions, sources of error, and improvements for each experiment. Precautions – things you need to do in advance to get good results. Sources of error – things that may throw your results off that you can account for. Improvements – things you can do to get better results.
Section A Know your graphs (use the log tables if you get stuck). Be able to answer: Why is it important for X to be as large as possible? Why is it important to keep X constant throughout the experiment? All answers need context, for example: “parallax error” may not get marks. “parallax error associated with measuring the [quantity] from the [instrument]” will.
Section B Q5 – short questions – answer 8 of 10* Q6-9 – 1/2 topics per question Q10 – Applied electricity / particle physics * Q11 – Reading comprehension question Q12 – Half questions – answer 2 of 4 * * do these ones
Section B Non-experiment sections pretty much guaranteed: Electromagnetism Electron Modern Physics Any topic that didn’t appear in experiments will likely come up here.
Section B Questions consist of: Definitions Derivations Calculations Demonstrations Explanations Applications
General Tips Marking Scheme every year: “In many instances only key words are given – words that must appear in the correct context in the candidate’s answer in order to merit the assigned marks.” - use proper English! “For omission of appropriate units, or incorrect units, one mark is deducted, when indicated” “Each time an arithmetical slip occurs in a calculation, one mark is deducted” Don’t lose marks for these.
General Tips Highlight key words in questions. Open your formula and tables book to the right page when you identify the section of the course.
General Tips – Group Study Having something explained by a peer can help. Any teacher will tell you you only really know something when you can explain it to someone else. Workshopping problems helps understanding.