Main finding from ILRI activities Clarisse UMUTONI PhD Student ILRI Africa RISING annual workshop
Plan Introduction - Context Main finding: -Availability of NRs -Local conventions -Conflicts management over natural resources uses
1. Introduction -Context Projet Africa RISING in Mali Improve food security Integrated Systems Improvement Managing natural resources to increase productivity in southern Mali
1. Introduction -Context Utilization of natural resources naturelles AgricultureLivestock In West Africa, as in most sub-Saharan African countries, natural resources form the basis for livelihoods of rural poor
Natural resource degradation (quality and quantity rapidly decreasing) Inadequate management Climate change Increase in livestock population Rapid increase in human population 1. Introduction-Context
Natural resource degradation Reduction of feed resources for animal Low animal productivity Food insecurity 1. Introduction – Context
ILRI What to do to enhance and conserve NR base ???? Empowering local institutions to sustainably manage natural resources 1. Introduction – Context Better management of natural resources
Local institutions governing NRM include local conventions. “Local conventions” specifically refers to an agreement, written or verbal, entered into by stakeholders in order to regulate the management of natural resources they use and for which they are responsible. 1. Introduction – Context
2. Natural resources and local conventions
To document and analyze existing local conventions governing the management of natural resources in the mixed crop-livestock systems of southern Mali. What is the objective of study on local conventions?
To address the objective of this study on local conventions, we looked at a number of research questions: What is the status of NR in the study areas? Are there local conventions governing management of natural resources in the study sites? Questions addressed?
What are the elaboration and implementation processes involved in the development of these conventions and who are the key actors and institutions involved? Are these conventions implemented and what are the challenges to their implementation? What are their strengths and weaknesses? Questions addressed?
Sites Koutiala : Namposséla, Sirakelé and Zanzoni Bougouni: Diéba, Sibilira and Yorobougoula Methodology : Survey Surveys included participatory diagnosis of the existing local conventions using : Participatory Rural Appraisal (PRA) : 80 farmers involving 27 respondents from the administrative and technical services, and 53 from community and traditional authorities. Methodology
Methodology : Survey Individual interviews using a semi-structured questionnaire. 165 farmers were interviewed in the two districts comprising of 76 (52 men and 24 women) and 89 (59 men and 30 women) farmers in Bougouni and Koutiala, respectively. Methodology
Land availability and quality Features of natural vegetation Water availability, quality and accessibility for human and animal consumption Main results on availability of NR
Land availability and quality Main results on availability of NR On a scale of 0 to 5 (0= don’t know; 1 = not available; 2 = rarely available, 3 = moderately available; 4 = abundant; 5 = very abundant). On a scale of 0 to 5 (0 = don’t know; 1 = very low, 2 = low, 3 = moderate, 4 = good, 5 = very good)
Features of natural vegetation Table 1. Features of natural vegetation in the study sites according to the respondents Main results on availability of NR Variable of natural resourcesBougouniKoutiala Annual/seasonal production 3.13±0.07 a 2.91±0.10 a Quality / palatability 3.14±0.09 a 3.08±0.12 a Presence of invasive weeds 3.40±0.07 a 2.85±0.08 b Dominance of annual grasses 3.21±0.09 a 1.97±0.10 b Dominance of perennial grasses 0.96±0.15 a 1.83±0.13 b Dominance of annual legumes 3.14±0.07 a 2.43±0.11 b Dominance of perennial legumes 2.54±0.13 a 2.26±0.14 a Shrubs population 3.96±0.07 a 2.61±0.13 b Incidence of controlled bushfires 1.50±0.14 a 0.87±0.09 b Incidence of uncontrolled bushfires3.58±0.14 a 0.75±0.06 b a, b Means on the same row with different superscript letters are statistically different, P <0,05. Score: 0 = don’t know; 1 = very low; 2 = low; 3 = average; 4 = good; 5 = very good.
Water availability, quality and accessibility for human and animal consumption Table2. Water availability, quality and accessibility for human and animal consumption Main results on availability of NR AvailabilityQualityAccessibility SourceBougouniKoutialaBougouniKoutialaBougouniKoutiala Rainwater 2.37±0.10 a 2.04±0.07 b 2.87±0.13 a 2.80±0.18 a Standing pool 1.95±0.11 a 1.80±0.10 a 1.54±0.15 a 0.78±0.11 b Well water 3.45±0.15 a 3.28±0.12 a 3.87±0.08 a 3.15±0.10 b Pump water 2.64±0.24 a 3.98±0.17 b 2.12±0.28 a 3.76±0.19 b Tap water0.99±0.01 a 2.28±0.20 b -4.25± For availability (0 = don’t know; 1 = non - available; 2 = seasonal and insufficient quantity, 3 = seasonal and sufficient quantity; 4 = available all year long, but insufficient quantity; 5 = available all year long and sufficient). For accessibility (0 = don’t know 1 = very difficult access, 2 = difficult access; 3 = fair access, 4 = easy access; 5 = very easy access). For quality (0 = don’t know 1 = very low, 2 = low, 3 = average, 4 = good, 5 = very good).
Existing local conventions on natural resources management in the study sites Local conventions existed in all communities studied. Most of these local conventions existed in an informal or oral form. Table 3. Summary of the different types of existing local conventions on natural resources management in the study sites Table 3. Summary of the different types of existing local conventions on natural resources management in the study sites Main results on local conventions
The level of knoweldge of local conventions The level of knowledge of community members differed from one individual to another; and from one community to another depending on sex, age and ethnic group. The level of knowledge of local conventions was higher in Bougouni (good) than in Koutiala (average). Main results on local conventions
The level of knoweldge of local conventions Main results on local conventions DistrictAverageMaleFemale Bougouni3.16± ± ±1.44 Koutiala1.70± ± ±1.38 Table 4. Level of knowledge of local conventions by the respondents in Bougouni and Koutiala Rating (0 = none, 1 = low, 2 = average, 3 = good, 4 = very good)
Level of participation in the elaboration and implementation processes of existing local conventions Low level of participation; More people were involved in the early development process of local conventions Women’s participation in the elaboration and implementation processes of existing local conventions was generally low despite the fact that women are major users of NR in the communities. Main results on local conventions
Level of participation in the elaboration and Implementation processes of existing local conventions Main results on local conventions Fig.3.Level of participation of the respondents in the elaboration processes of the existing local conventions in Bougouni district
Level of participation in the elaboration and Implementation processes of existing local conventions Main results on local conventions Fig.4. Level of participation of the respondents in the elaboration processes of existing local conventions in Koutiala district
Level of participation in the elaboration and Implementation processes of existing local conventions Main results on local conventions Fig. 5. Level of participation by the community members in the implementation processes of local conventions in Bougouni
Level of participation in the elaboration and Implementation processes of existing local conventions Main results on local conventions Fig.6. Level of participation by the community members in the implementation processes of local conventions in Koutiala
Level of participation in the elaboration processes of existing local conventions The level of participation of women was significantly lower than participation by men which suggest the domination of the processes by men The results of regression analysis showed the level of participation in elaboration and implementation processes of local conventions is influenced by age, year of residence in the community and gender. Main results on local conventions
Main benefit of local conventions as reported by farmers Better management of natural resources (NR) Reduction in conflict over NR Opportunities for generation of revenues Empowering local population to manage and decide on the use of their NR Bring together the local population (Foster unit). Main results on local conventions
Conflict over natural resource use is common in Sudano-Sahelian zone and could be attributed to many factors. Conflict is best managed at the local level but this depends on the leadership skills and capacity of the local institutions Training workshop To build the capacity of local institutions in conflict management over natural resources Conflict management over NR
Training workshop The training addressed methods/tools for participatory conflict analysis, conflict timeline, mapping conflict over natural resource use, social relations and communication, and 4Rs analysis (Right, Responsibility, Response, and Relationship) of conflict management Conflict management over NR
Training workshop The workshop lasted for 2 days in each district Animated by a national consultant familiar with rural reality Workshop training on conflict management over NR
Outcome of the training workshop Capacity of local actors on appropriate methodology on NRM developed Participants able to make a participatory conflict analysis Capacity of key actors on preventive measure and conflict management developed community key actors in Africa RISING intervention communities are now able to better manage conflict over NR. Conflict management over NR
Thank You! Africa Research in Sustainable Intensification for the next Generation